Frank and Calleigh -- That's right!

thats right we must keep the dream alive!!!!!!! you know i actually dreamt about calleigh and frank last night, it was so wierd, i worked at csi and i was covering for them about their affair to frank's wife, but the really strange thing was that franks wife was my drama teacher in my dream!
wow that's a weird dream! :lol:
(having a Frued moment)
your drama teacher? You obviously are having issues with your drama teacher that need to be resolved ASAP.

I think Frank and his Wife are divorced now. He has kids though. I think young ones. I remember him mentioning it in Dispo Day.
hmm i dont remember, i may have to go watch that soon...i think cal would make a great stepmum. although if its young boys maybe not. i mean how hot would their stepmum be!
yeah but i bet all their mates would want to go to their house after school to play. probabaly games involving guns.
yeah calleigh would be a milf. she'd be stiflers mum, except she probabaly wouldnt sleep with her sons friends
lol i can just see him now chasing them down the street shooting for all he's worth. its actually quite an amusing scene in my head.....he'd fight for his woman
hahaha atleast someone does **cough Eric....

Calleigh would be amused, but then yell at him, because it would be dangerious.
i bet she'd give frank a real ass whoopin for improper use of a firearm. and its erics own fault she's with frank cos he didnt pull his finger out of his arse fast enough to do something about it :mad:
i know cant wait. god knows what ill use though, im about as artistic as a wet fart.
god forbid anyone touches calleighs guns. i wonder what her fave is?