Fox's Future On 'CSI' Remains 'Up In The Air'

I have really liked Sara this season.She used to be too doom and gloom for me but now she has reminded me why I liked her in the first place.So I hope she stays full time.
I hope Sara stays on as well. Her character has grown so much in the past couple of years. I have actually enjoyed her again.

Plus she needs to stay and balance out all the testosterone that will be on the show if Catherine is the only female. :lol:
^ Not that Catherine can't handle it but we definely need more women power on CSI!!:lol: I like the guys too,but balance is key.
I agree about liking Sara this season. She really used to annoy me to no end before and I was glad when she left. However this season she's been way more likable and enjoyable to me. Probably because Grissom isn't around. I still take Catherine over Sara anytime, though. So like it's been mentioned, if Wendy and Sara both leave that just leaves Cath and a whole bunch of guys... We need more woman power :D
Yeah, Sara did take a level in badass last season, back up to where she was before she became Ms. Emo. I don't even mind that she's not full time, seeing as the purpose of her being there was to be filler until a replacement for Riley could be found. Although it is a bit of a plot hole that no one has called Catherine out for not looking too hard (she obviously wants Sara back full time). These kind of plot problems are the most infuriating. Some plot holes just can't be filled, but can be overlooked if the story is good enough. But those problems that could be closed up with one or two throwaway lines of dialouge that add about 1.2 seconds to the show's running time, those really piss me off.