Fox: It Was My Call

CSI Files

<font color=yellow>Jorja Fox</font> (Sara Sidle) sets the record straight.

"It's my call — and a very, very difficult one, something I've been thinking about for a long, long time," Fox told Entertainment Weekly. "It's one of the hardest decisions I've made in my life. It has nothing to do with my contract, nothing to do with money." Fox acknowledged the "incredible outpouring of support" that she has received from her fans, as well as their confusion over her departure. She chose to leave CSI: Crime Scene Investigation because "[t]here are so many things I want to do! Some are personal. Some are professional. And I really need to do some of them before I get too old."

Fox described CSI as "a really intense place to work," and she went on to say that one of the things that she has struggled with while working on the show is the violence. "A lot of the stories [on the show] do end sadly and badly," she explained. She anticipated ending up in that violent type of world again eventually, but for now "it's really good for me to take a break from it," she said.

"It has nothing to do with being bored," Fox said. "I wish it did! It would make it a lot easier to go." She had been in talks with CBS since January, and nothing was decided until June. "CBS was very flexible," she said. "We structured something a little odd." Fox was not interested in signing on for a full season, and "they were willing to roll with that." The situation, she pointed out, could have turned out differently if CBS had offered her a take-it-or-leave-it deal. However, "[t]hey were very gracious," she explained.

Fox described filming the eighth episode of the season, which was her last on the show. "The stakes will be very high," she said. "It required me to go deeper than I ever have. It was an emotional episode for everyone, certainly for me. I've been exhausted since before the premiere, in such an odd way." When asked if there was a possibility of Sara returning as a guest star, Fox could not say for sure. "It would be impossible to say definitely one way or another because the writers are still making that stuff up," she explained. "I would never rule anything out. But I'm not trying to lead anybody on, either." If the opportunity arose to guest-star, Fox said that she would be "thrilled."

So what's next for Fox? She mentioned travelling and also said that "there are several projects of my own that I'm excited about." However, none of those projects will be television series. "If I'm going to be on a TV show right now, it should be CSI," she explained. "I think I'll give it some time before I even entertain ideas of doing a different show." And as for whether leaving CSI in the first place was a mistake, Fox does not know. "It could be the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life," she said. "Only time will tell."

The full interview can be read on Thanks to <font color=yellow>Elsie</font> for the link.<center></center>
Fox described filming the eighth episode of the season, which was her last on the show. "The stakes will be very high," she said. "It required me to go deeper than I ever have. It was an emotional episode for everyone, certainly for me.

Interesting...After all the reports that #807 would be her last episode, it appears that it's actually going to be the one after that will mark Sara's departure... The spoilers for #808 are pretty dark, and I don't know how Sara will be involved in it, but it should be interesting.

From the sound of it, I guess we can be pretty confident that she won't be killed off though, and that she could potentially guest star in the future. :) Good luck to Jorja Fox!
It's good she finally set everything straight.

Perhaps she might leave in ep7 but be mentioned in ep8. But that's just my speculations.

I agree about the not killing her off, Fay, I've been thinking the same thing sor a while now.
wolfesgamergirl said:
It's good she finally set everything straight.

Agreed, it's nice to get some closure on it. And read her version of events.

Perhaps she might leave in ep7 but be mentioned in ep8. But that's just my speculations.

Well the interview mentions her filming episode eight, as her last episode. So I figure she must actually be in it. ;)

I agree about the not killing her off, Fay, I've been thinking the same thing sor a while now.

Yeah, it would seem unlikely. I'm sure Fay will agree. ;) :p
Sorry Elise, I wa thinking your name while talking to someone and that's what came out. Too early to be thinking so hard. ;)

Well if she is filming ep 8 then it would be interesting to see how that coincides with what has already been spoiled.
wolfesgamergirl said:
Sorry Elise, I wa thinking your name while talking to someone and that's what came out. Too early to be thinking so hard. ;)

:lol: No worries.

Well if she is filming ep 8 then it would be interesting to see how that coincides with what has already been spoiled.

I'm not sure, but I know the early Miami episodes changed positions this season, so the one that was originally thought to be third was aired second etc (or something like that), so I figure that could happen. Maybe #808 isn't Cockroaches, and that is airing later, or that and #807 could be swapping or something... I just don't see how Cockroaches would be suitable for Sara's departure. Oh well, I guess we'll have to wait and see. I am very impatient sometimes. :lol:
Sorry Elise, I wa thinking your name while talking to someone and that's what came out. Too early to be thinking so hard.
:lol: I was like, "Wait, did I say something?" :p

((Zomg, you were talking about me?? ;)))
From the sound of it, I guess we can be pretty confident that she won't be killed off though, and that she could potentially guest star in the future.
What, you mean like Rory Cochrane/Speedle on Miami? <G>
Seriously though, I'd hope that Sara won't get killed off. While I'll admit she was never my favourite character, and she annoyed the heck out of me with her superior attitude towards Nick in several early eps (bad Sara, don't be mean to my Nicky <g>), she's definitely grown on me and it'll be a shame to see her gone. (and while definitely not a shipper in any shape or form, I appreciate how TPTB were able to be relatively subtle with the whole GSR interactions)
I know this sounds kind of corny but i am in complete denile about the whole thing mainly because the only website i could find with and confirmation and sara leaving CSI was EW and thats the only interview done with the confirmation, and its a little odd that CBS hasent commented on the rumours yet, maybe (if god realy realy loves me) lmoa this whole thing is a sort of hoax! But if it isnt i will spend two days crying and the rest of my life not watching CSI (that probably isn't true tho lol :p )
and wait! I have more evidence to support my thoery! (please no one rain on my parade!) If Jorja was only staying for the 7/8 episodes this season, then why would her name be on the opening credits!? AND wouldnt this WHOLE thing be confidential, like she probably wouldnt have been allowed to say anything to anyone! ... i smell a HOAX