Fox: I Was Thrilled

CSI Files

<Font color=yellow>Jorja Fox</font> (Sara Sidle) will return to <I>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</I> during the upcoming tenth season.<p>As CSI Files previously <A class="link" HREF="">reported</a>, Fox will appear in at least five episodes during season ten. Her return coincides with the <A class="link" HREF="">departure</a> of <font color=yellow>Lauren Lee Smith</font>'s Riley Adams. "Right around March, I felt really rested and was itching to work—I was ready and going to meetings and auditioning," Fox told <A class="link" HREF="">TV Guide Magazine</a>. While filming a guest spot on the new Lifetime drama <I>Drop Dead Diva</I>, she was contacted about returning to her old stomping grounds.<p>"I got the call about <I>CSI</I>—it was completely out of the blue!" The actress explained. "I never thought I'd be going back to work with people that I knew, I thought I'd be starting new things. That was a surprise, so I'm going back to work and it's with the same people who I've worked with for eight years in the past. [Laughs] I was thrilled! For me it was a huge compliment!"<p>The actress has already started filming for season ten, and she said she is enjoying the experience. "It has just been a ball and a half," Fox shared. "I think <I>CSI</I>'s premiere episode is one of the best that I've ever read. It's a pleasant surprise. You think, 'They're starting Season 10—how is it going to be as good as it was last year or four years ago?' And they blew me away."<p>Fox was tight-lipped about her return. "I think all I can really say is [pause] the team has had a rough year—there has been a lot going on—and so Sara comes back mostly just to see if she can help for a while, because she loves those guys and she misses them," the actress said. She had even less to say about Gil Grissom (<font color=yellow>William Petersen</font>), who reunited with Sara in the jungle at the end of his final episode in season nine, <A class="link" HREF="">"One to Go"</a>. "They've prevented me from discussing Grissom at all," she said, adding that Grissom's whereabouts will be revealed in the season premiere. "We hope we've picked the right stuff to be a surprise."<p>Executive producer <font color=yellow>Naren Shankar</font> said Sara's return without Grissom does not mean the pair have split up. "They're absolutely together," he told <A class="link" HREF="">Entertainment Weekly</a>. However, the relationship may be going through a rough period. "We're talking about a couple of very independent individuals who have decided to share their life together," Shankar explained. "The first few months of that for any couple are a weird adjustment."<p>Shankar and fellow executive producer <font color=yellow>Carol Mendelsohn</font> hope Fox's return will help smooth things over after all of the shake-ups in season nine. Petersen and <font color=yellow>Gary Dourdan</font> (Warrick Brown) left, and <font color=yellow>Laurence Fishburne</font> (Dr Ray Langston) and <font color=yellow>Lauren Lee Smith</font> (Riley Adams) joined the Las Vegas crime lab. "The family had disintegrated a little bit," Shankar said. "We had people off in their own bubbles, and we want to restore that family [feeling]. And Jorja's helping with that."<p>"Sara comes in and brings everyone together," Mendelsohn added. "And she helps Catherine [Willows (<font color=yellow>Marg Helgenberger</font>)] understand that as the [new] leader, she needs to make the team cohesive and really fire on all cylinders again." Mendelsohn would not reveal when or if the old team leader is scheduled to return. "You never know when Grissom will show up on <I>CSI</I>," she teased. "The theme of [season 10] is family. And he certainly is a big part of the family -- a <I>big</I> part of the family."<P>The interview with Fox is from <A class="link" HREF="">TV Guide Magazine</a>. The <I>Entertainment Weekly</I> information is from <A class="link" HREF="">Jorja All Around</a>. Thanks to <font color=yellow>Shane</font> from TalkCSI for the heads up.<center></center>
I hope that TBTB don't take screen time or storylines away from the others to give to Sara, because that wouldn't be fair. They put up with whatever Season 9 was and deserve better/more in Season 10.

As for Sara, I hope she works some cases with Nick - in the early seasons when they worked together I always thought they had good chemistry - to me they played off each other well.
"Sara comes in and brings everyone together," Mendelsohn added. "And she helps Catherine [Willows (Marg Helgenberger)] understand that as the [new] leader, she needs to make the team cohesive and really fire on all cylinders again
*shutters* I just don't like the sound of that. It would be perfect for Grissom, but not Sara -- it definitly doesn't sit well with me, & the storyline doesn't seem to suit her character, or her position in that lab. No offence to Jorja, but I can't say I'm thrilled to see this return...again...for the 3rd time.
"Sara comes in and brings everyone together," Mendelsohn added. "And she helps Catherine [Willows (Marg Helgenberger)] understand that as the [new] leader, she needs to make the team cohesive and really fire on all cylinders again." Mendelsohn would not reveal when or if the old team leader is scheduled to return. "You never know when Grissom will show up on CSI," she teased. "The theme of [season 10] is family. And he certainly is a big part of the family -- a big part of the family."

I don't get the logic behind this. Sure, it's good for Jorja Fox to be back but Catherine doesn't need Sara showing up "telling her" about team dynamics. Just goes to show how much faith they have on Marg Helgenberger as well as George Eads and Eric Szmanda. As for family, Sara/JF and Grissom/WP chose to leave this so-called "family." It was their choice to leave.

Besides, I thought Sara was burnt out from all of these and that's why she went away again and now she's just jumping back in to "help"? Why is that if she really wants to distance herself from this particular occupation/lifestyle?
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The logic is to me that she was mentally drained by that last case with creepy Hannah, who nearly destroyed her, and she had to rid herself of the "ghosts" she mentioned in her letter to Grissom. Now she's happy and healthy, and will step in to help out wherever she's needed. Cath was floundering a bit with two newbies and three of her team gone. So Cath and Sara were friends and Cath helped her from time to time, so now she can give her some much needed advice. I'll be a good thing:thumbsup:
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I do not agree that Cath was floundering. I think Cath was doing a fine job. And Sara being the one to tell her how to run things is dumb. Jorja/Sara deserves a better storyline than that! Brass or Grissom (possibly even Ecklie) - people that have the actual experiences of being shift supervisors should be the ones to give Cath advice should she need it (which I don't believe she does). Sara deserves a better storyline than something this far-fetched. And it was pretty clear that when she left CSI, she had grown to hate the job. She said so in "Happy Place"... that she remembered why she quit being a CSI. We're just supposed to believe that she magically changed her mind after a little over a year?

I can understand if they are short handed and she says "okay well if you have no one else I can help you out for a bit as much as I can", that's fine. But for her to suddenly decide "oh I want to be a CSI again" is just not sitting right for me.

It feels as if tptb are going to completely ignore WHY she left in the first place.

Why not just make the last year and a half or so be someone's crazy coma dream? It would be just as believable. :lol:
I do not agree that Cath was floundering. I think Cath was doing a fine job. And Sara being the one to tell her how to run things is dumb. Jorja/Sara deserves a better storyline than that! Brass or Grissom (possibly even Ecklie) - people that have the actual experiences of being shift supervisors should be the ones to give Cath advice should she need it (which I don't believe she does).

Exactly!! What right does Sara have telling Cath about how to handle being the team leader? Sara never found herself in a similar position, so I don't think she has the experience to be advising Cath on that particular matter.

Sara deserves a better storyline than something this far-fetched. And it was pretty clear that when she left CSI, she had grown to hate the job. She said so in "Happy Place"... that she remembered why she quit being a CSI. We're just supposed to believe that she magically changed her mind after a little over a year?
Again, exactly! Some believability please! I don't think it would be easy for her getting over being burnt out, or for anyone for that matter. I remember after taking the bar exams, my brain refused to let me read any kind of books for more than a year considering I love reading and am a bibliophile. I was just mentally exhausted. More so with someone like Sara who has been through hell over the years.

I can understand if they are short handed and she says "okay well if you have no one else I can help you out for a bit as much as I can", that's fine. But for her to suddenly decide "oh I want to be a CSI again" is just not sitting right for me.
Even if she was just pinch hitting for someone, I'm not really buying it. Come on, she went up and left twice already.

Why not just make the last year and a half or so be someone's crazy coma dream? It would be just as believable. :lol:
Now that's really funny. :lol: It would be totally awesome though if that were true. Could it be Nick's, Catherine's or Greg's?
Why not just make the last year and a half or so be someone's crazy coma dream? It would be just as believable. :lol:
Now that's really funny. :lol: It would be totally awesome though if that were true. Could it be Nick's, Catherine's or Greg's?

Neither. It would be Warrick's. He'd wake up having been in a coma (cause he got shot on the job rather than by the undersherrif). He'd tease Greg about how Greg in his dream was flirting with his replacement. :lol: of course McKeen would still do something dirty and get arrested and Ecklie would still get the Undersheriff job. :lol:

I'm just really worried about how this season is going to go. It's just not sounding good to me. The storylines are too far-fetched. Miami might be able to get away with this far-fetched of a storyline, but I'm not sure how it's going to work for Vegas. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I do think this will probably be the last season of CSI sadly. I think tptb know this too which is why they want to bring back Jorja (and possibly Grissom). Maybe they want to hurry and end the show so they can make the movie. :lol: Cause it'd be weird to have a movie while the show is still going on.
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i'll be finally waching CSI with that old feeling of excitement which did not happen since Grissom left. this is going to be a good one! :)

i wonder if they're gonna go all Holly Gribbs on Riley, btw. and i bet when Sara leaves again, they're going to make Wendy a CSI Level 1. right now she is the best card they can play with, imo. the foreshadowing of her CSI career has been going for 2 years at least. she is a member of the ensemble for i don't even remember how long. she had a few eps in which she was included extensively. and, she won't spoil the 'family feeling' with her neweness. my bets are on her. they can always add a new labrat and nobody's gonna notice.

besides, how much more fun would it be to watch Wendy, rather than Langston, start out as a rookie CSI? Hodges is gonna tease her to death, later burst in jealousy, only to be sad romantically, and in the end happy for her. so many possibilities (and i'm not a Wedges shipper).
*giggle* Sara helping Catherine put the team back together? Um, even Grissom said that Catherine was the "people person"

And I thought she was burnt out? Is she all of a sudden bouncing back?

BTW Adzix, love your icon
^ yeah, that worries me too. it doesn't sound cohesive with the burnout storyline. now when i think of it, maybe i prefer GSR to be left in a happy ending. hope TPTB won't screw it up too badly.

BTW Adzix, love your icon
lol, thank you. ;)
Welcome back, Jorja!
I'm putting CSI back on my must see list as long as you are around.

I can't wait to see the premiere now. I hope Sara returns as a happier, healed person. As long as they keep G/S together and avoid the angst, I'm good with it. I think Petersen will be back on occasion. What better way to insure that than having his 'better half' on the show.
i wonder if they're gonna go all Holly Gribbs on Riley, btw.

I doubt it. They said she won't be back for Season 10. Sounds to me like she's not even going to be in the premiere which means they're just 86-ing her character like they did with Sofia. Did anyone mention Sofia leaving? No. Has anyone mentioned the character since her last appearance? No. So, it'll probably be the same way with Riley which is stupid. She at least deserves an exit (and preferably a goodbye hug scene with Greg).

and i bet when Sara leaves again, they're going to make Wendy a CSI Level 1. right now she is the best card they can play with, imo. the foreshadowing of her CSI career has been going for 2 years at least. she is a member of the ensemble for i don't even remember how long. she had a few eps in which she was included extensively. and, she won't spoil the 'family feeling' with her neweness. my bets are on her. they can always add a new labrat and nobody's gonna notice.

Yeah, if we lose Riley to gain Wendy as a CSI, I'll be more contented. But if we lose Riley and Wendy stays in DNA, I won't be happy. I'd love to see Greg and Wendy working together as CSIs. And instead of adding a new DNA analyst, they could always have Wendy do both CSI and DNA stuff like Natalia ocassionaly does (when Valera's not around) on Miami. :lol:

besides, how much more fun would it be to watch Wendy, rather than Langston, start out as a rookie CSI?

Well, I agree with that. Although Langston's first day on the job was pretty good. I just wish they'd kept the character at that learning pace (for a bit longer) instead of making him instantly (after his second day on the job) Mr. Know-It-All-CSI at a Level One.

I hope Sara returns as a happier, healed person.

I hope so too. I like happy Sara. :lol:
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I doubt it. They said she won't be back for Season 10. Sounds to me like she's not even going to be in the premiere which means they're just 86-ing her character like they did with Sofia. Did anyone mention Sofia leaving? No. Has anyone mentioned the character since her last appearance? No. So, it'll probably be the same way with Riley which is stupid. She at least deserves an exit (and preferably a goodbye hug scene with Greg).
yeah, that would be a total waste of a character. kill her off at least! lmao. or, idk, make her fail a drug test or screw up in some other way. that would be more original than doing another CSI!InPeril episode.

she is a little impulsive and kinda bossy so maybe TPTB should utilize that somehow in the storyline.

but whatever. *shrugs* bring on the Liz.
I doubt it. They said she won't be back for Season 10. Sounds to me like she's not even going to be in the premiere which means they're just 86-ing her character like they did with Sofia. Did anyone mention Sofia leaving? No. Has anyone mentioned the character since her last appearance? No. So, it'll probably be the same way with Riley which is stupid. She at least deserves an exit (and preferably a goodbye hug scene with Greg).
yeah, that would be a total waste of a character. kill her off at least! lmao. or, idk, make her fail a drug test or screw up in some other way. that would be more original than doing another CSI!InPeril episode.

she is a little impulsive and kinda bossy so maybe TPTB should utilize that somehow in the storyline.

but whatever. *shrugs* bring on the Liz.

I wouldn't want them to kill her off, but if they had to, I'd at least like them to say she died saving Greg (since she carries a gun and he doesn't). Then that could give him some emotion to play off of. Like him saying she was his friend and she died for him and he wonders why he keeps cheating death. That would be interesting and give Greg something to do. :lol:

I liked that she was a strong woman. There aren't enough of those on tv anymore, especially not ones under 30. :lol: But, I like Liz and hope they allow Wendy to be strong and not reduce her to nothing but Hodges' love interest. That would piss me off. Wendy's a great character and deserves better than that.