Fonts, Resources & More!!!

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I thought it'd be a good idea to start a forum for people to be able to ask questions about fonts and resources for icons and other graphics :) For example, the infamous "Where did that font come from?" question :p *cough*Chloe*cough* ;)
Thanks, quoth!!! *Ten million huggles* You know me and my famous question. There's nothing I love more than fonts, and it drives me mad when I can't figure it out! :lol:

So, to get the ball rolling...
quoth...The font you used for "Awake & Unafraid" in your current banner and "Sucks" in your current icon.
Elsie...The font you used for "Signature Banners Challenge 10" in your animated banner.
cinegirl...The fonts you used for "CaRWash" and "Burning Hot" in your current banner.

Thanks, y'all!

(Oh, and I might as well contribute) My personal favourite font site: ;)
It looks like the font for 'sucks' in my icon is quite popular :D That would be Pastas Black from :) Unfortunately I'm not exactly sure what font was used in my banner as it came in a brush pack I downloaded. I'm pretty sure it might be something like Arial Narrow, though :) (they're always something simple :lol: :p)
It's so funny - it's the simple fonts I like the most. (Futura is my copilot :lol:) Thanks! I'm going to go download it...
lol, quoth. This is so ironic.

Anyways, I've always been a fan of the font "The Quiet Scream". You can get it here and it can really spice up something just the way you want. I love it. :)
Thanks, Elsie! *Runs and downloads* I already have Miss Brooks, and I love it and use it every chance I get. :D But now I must go download Rhesus...:)lol: We're learning about the Rhesus factor in blood in Biology)
*grabs a bunch of fonts and runs*
I love playing around with different fonts. It's amazing how much which font you use can affect what you make.
It's my new favourite font. :lol: *goes and downloads* Dafont is a great site, is it not?

(Psst - check out my new layered avvie :D)
Yup, it sure is! I've downloaded tons from :p I have a question- I don't exactly know what shareware is, so... that font Laura pointed out- violation- is it free? :p

And I really like that icon! The light source is nice and the coloring is pretty :)
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