Flight Of The Conchords

I hate it how its on so late! :(
ooh quotes. Um I have a few lol
"Other rappers diss me, Say my rhymes are sissy
What, what, what, why, why, why?"

"You're so beautiful, You could be a waitress"

"I remove my jeans but trip over them cause I still got my shoes on. But I turn it into a sexy dance"

"I'm down to just my socks and you know when I'm down to just my socks what time it is it's time for business. It's business time.

Gosh Business time cracks me up :lol: :lol:
NZGirly said:
Gosh Business time cracks me up :lol: :lol:

For Christmas my friend gave me a pair on undies that said "It's Business Time" on the butt :lol::lol::lol:

These are some of my faves :p

"Our programming determined that the most efficient answer was to shut their motherboard f***ing systems down."

"Cause you're so beautiful. Like a tree. Or a high class prostitute".

"Why can't a heterosexual guy, tell a heterosexual guy that he thinks his booty is fly. Not all the time, obviously, just when he's got a problem with his self esteem".

"You say something like, “Is that it?” I know what you’re trying to say. You’re trying to say, “Aww yeah, that’s it.” Then you tell me you want some more. Well I’m not surprised. But I’m quite sleepy."
I hate it how its on so late!
Me too :( I'm gonna convince my mummy to let me watch it :D

Mine are:

"So many mutha uckers, ucking with my shi-"

"The mutha ucker won't sell an apple to a Kiwi"

"Pop an apple in his ass, yeah"

"I'm gonna juice the mutha ucker"

"The birds are on my back and I'm Horny. IM HORNY"

"My records and rhymes don't get played because records and rhymes don't get made"

"She's so hot she's making me sexist. Bitch."

I love all of their songs!!

Edit: and lets not forget...

"Come on sucker, lick my bettery" :lol:
Hannah said:
"She's so hot she's making me sexist. Bitch."

"I think I need a little bit of drums"

haha oh those two never get old!!
I was listening to She's so Hot...BOOM just yesterday actually

That retarded guitar. :lol:

The ones I mainly listen to are

Mutha Uckers

HipHopopotamus vs. Rhymenocerous

The Humans are dead

and Albi the Racist Dragon :p

She's so Hot...BOOM is a legend song! :lol:
I have never heard of Mutha Uckers before. Must download it and listen to it! :D :D
I mainly listen to:
Business Time
HipHopopotamus vs. Rhymenocerous
Albi the Racist Dragon
and She's so Hot...Boom
Just search on youtube. Seriously it's hillarious!

Jenny's a good one. I don't know it quote for quote but it goes something like

"Jenny, are you sure you've got the right guy?"
"Yes, John. I'm sure."
"I'm Brian"

^ like I said, I can't remember it 100%

It's funny as though!
Oh yeah one of their last lines in that song.
Yeah nearly got it right
"Are you sure that was me Jenny?"
"Yes I am pretty sure it was you John"
"I'm Brian"

yeah ok I will go and search that song on youtube :D
omg. I just realised that a while ago, I was in chartwell (Hamilton) and I saw Jermaine in Hallensteins..

I remember coz he looked creepy! lmao :lol: