Flight Of The Conchords

magicmunchies said:
^ I love them! I met Jemaine in an op-shop in Weli!

No WAY!!
Did you say anything? Did you get his autograph?

And I love how they are both proud to be New Zealanders :D
I Just can't work out how they never made it big here In NZ cos they are so amazing and we have no other comedians!!
^No! I was caught by surprize. He was with his gf and I was like OMG Jemaine wtf! Argh!

True Kiwi talent! Like Evermore!
Haha, awesomeness!
I agree, its strange how they didn't become more famous in NZ but in the US they got a grammy?
NZ is just kinda starting with them lol
Yeah I know! Its really really weird!!
Whats your favourite FOTC song?
That cracks me up every time I hear it!
Canada loves Flight of The Conchords!!! And by Canada I mean all of my friends and myself :lol:

Hannah said:
Haha, awesomeness!
I agree, its strange how they didn't become more famous in NZ but in the US they got a grammy?
NZ is just kinda starting with them lol

Well didn't they win like the best comedy album? When you think about it though it's not one of the "big" awards of the night. And a lot of lesser known people do get Grammys, but don't get me wrong, they are quite well known in the states :p . I kinda watched the show on and off all night. Did they show them getting the award?
Haha for me it is definately 'The Humans Are Dead' or..
'Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros' <--You have no idea how hard that it to type :l

And yeah, they won something like that. I missed it when they were on the news. My mum hates them :lol:
LMAO you guys, I just died. They are awesome. :lol: I mean, I wouldn't see them live or anything but they're so funny! My favourites are The Humans Are Dead and the hiphop and rhyme one that I'm not even going to attempt to spell.

No one here in Canada knows of them.
Lol, they're not so good that I would pay like heaps of money to see them, but they are Awesome!

I just saw the song 'Mother Uckers' and 'Albi the Racist Dragon' Haha
Oh Albi the Racist Dragon is so funny!!
"And Suddenly Albi wasn't racist anymore" haha
Oh they are so awesome. I am thinking of getting there DVD :D :D
Haha yeah! I was in town today, I didn't even think of that :(

"There ain't no party like my grandmas te party. Hey Ho" XD
hahahaha!! Thats from that Hiphopopotamus!!
I love them rapping, cos they are actually not bad at it at all
I know :lol:

What's your favourite quotes from the FOTC songs?

And do you guys know when it's on TV? I've only seen them on youtube :(