

This series looks pretty interesting, it premiers on thursday 24 September.
I'm looking forward to it, even if I already watch too many series...

A mysterious global event causes everyone to black out simultaneously for two minutes and seventeen seconds during which each person sees a glimpse of their lives six months from now, as of April 29, 2010. As the story begins, a character is saved from suicide and others have to face confusing situations. We also begin to know learn some things about the mysterious "Mosaic Collective".
Official site.
The TV show is based on the book FlashForward by well known and award winning Canadian Science Fiction writer Robert J. Sawyer. I don't usually watch much science fiction but since this show is based on a book by a Canadian author I'm all for promoting Canada :) TV guide has picked it as one of the shows to be successful this year :) Go Rob and Go Canada

The show has actually gotten some good reviews from the people that have seen some of the pilot. ABC is running the show on Thursday and for the first two weeks they are also rerunning the Thursday show on Fridays so it seems like they are wanting this show to work :)
Why are all the shows I watch on Thursday?!! This is getting annoying! :mad:

Same for me. I can't watch this one cause my Thursday plate is too full already. :lol: And I don't have tivo. :lol: I had to give up Fringe since they moved it opposite CSI and Supernatural. Maybe FlashForward will be online at some point to watch (on abc's site for free like cbs sometimes does and cw) and I can at least check out the first ep.
Yeah, I hear that! Same problems. Thank god for "Surf the Channel" or I'd miss half the stuff I want to watch! :lol:

This one does look intriguing... I'm always more attracted to the sci-fi/supernatural type programs. This could be very cool indeed.
Why are all the shows I watch on Thursday?!! This is getting annoying! :mad:

Same for me. I can't watch this one cause my Thursday plate is too full already. :lol: And I don't have tivo. :lol: I had to give up Fringe since they moved it opposite CSI and Supernatural. Maybe FlashForward will be online at some point to watch (on abc's site for free like cbs sometimes does and cw) and I can at least check out the first ep.

Don't forget that ABC is re-running the first two episodes on the Friday after the Thursday. I hope this makes sense :)
Thanks Jacquie. That's some useful intel. :) And then if I end up liking it... hopefully some Canadian channel will start showing it at a different time like they do for Bones! :lol:
Why are all the shows I watch on Thursday?!! This is getting annoying! :mad:

Same for me. I can't watch this one cause my Thursday plate is too full already. :lol: And I don't have tivo. :lol: I had to give up Fringe since they moved it opposite CSI and Supernatural. Maybe FlashForward will be online at some point to watch (on abc's site for free like cbs sometimes does and cw) and I can at least check out the first ep.

Don't forget that ABC is re-running the first two episodes on the Friday after the Thursday. I hope this makes sense :)

yeah, but with my luck it'll be the same time as Numbers is on. :lol:
Hmm, I am a little tempted. It looks interesting, but I dont know if I want to get into another programme right now.
Hmm, I am a little tempted. It looks interesting, but I dont know if I want to get into another programme right now.

Hmm.. i don't know wheter to watch it or not.. it looks really good, but i spend too much time watching Tv as it is.. :rolleyes:

Did anyone else think from the adverts that 5 were playing that it was film trailer the first time you saw it?? :lol: Probably just me to be honest. x
i don't watch adverts (sky+!) but i watched the trailer online and yes, it did a bit. the only thing that worries me is that it's from the people that brought us lost, which means it'll be good for a bit and then descend into bonkersness.
Thanks Jacquie. That's some useful intel. :) And then if I end up liking it... hopefully some Canadian channel will start showing it at a different time like they do for Bones! :lol:

CTV is showing it. I know in the Toronto area here it is on their 'A' channel but it is on at the same time as ABC is showing it. CTV can't show it here on their main channel because they show CSI at 8. We can't show CSI at 9 like everyone else because that would interfere with Grey's :scream: Oh well too many shows and so little time :lol:
Hmm, I am a little tempted. It looks interesting, but I dont know if I want to get into another programme right now.

Hmm.. i don't know wheter to watch it or not.. it looks really good, but i spend too much time watching Tv as it is.. :rolleyes:

Did anyone else think from the adverts that 5 were playing that it was film trailer the first time you saw it?? :lol: Probably just me to be honest. x
Thats alright, I also thought it was a film trailer.

i don't watch adverts (sky+!) but i watched the trailer online and yes, it did a bit. the only thing that worries me is that it's from the people that brought us lost, which means it'll be good for a bit and then descend into bonkersness.

That is my worry. And also that it will go on forever like Lost. Sometimes I think these series should quit while they are ahead.
OK, so I finally got to watch the pilot episode and I really liked it! I was totally into the whole ep, from start to finish- definitely kept me interested. And bonus points for a small role by Seth MacFarlane! YAY! :D