Flack question


Police Officer
Look, I *LIKE* Flack. Really. But is anybody else confused by the fact that he seems to simultaneously be:
1.) A homicide detective
2.) A member of the vice squad (running drug raids, etc.)
3.) A member of the SWAT team
Also despite the fact that he appears to only be in his early 30s, he always seems to be the detective in charge of whatever investigation he's running?
He is Super!Flack, master of the Universe!...and the NYPD.

Seriously though--you'd think they might just pick a job and stick to it. They could even give us fun guest stars to do the other roles, or something.
Don't forget he can be on two cases at the same time and he also seems to dabble in hostage negotiating.
He is SuperFlack - especially as he has the ability to bounce back from his serious injuries in super quick time! The man can do no wrong!
I was wondering why a homicide detective was involved in a drugs bust. I thought perhaps if it had to do with a murder case they would be allowed to participate in that kind of thing, because it would count as part of their investigation.

I guess we're supposed to accept it as the writers using their dramatic license to bend what happens in reality to suit them. I wish they wouldn't do things like that. Would it be so hard to offer an excuse? Even if it was half-assed, it's better than nothing.
He is a homicide detective wich, eventually, works for anti-vice, while at the same time is a member of the SWAT team. He works for every section of the police only taking one thing for sure: he's the leading detective.

If we have a SuperMac, a RamboStell, a DramaLinds and an ExGangMemberDanny, why can't we have a super perfect Flack? :lol:
TO be honest i don't know why the NYPD don't just Clone him, they wouldn't have to worry about dirty cops, PTSD (i mean a year after some wack job blows him up he runs full pelt into a building that has just been blown up by another wack job - sorry mac!), he can multi-task (Vice, Swat, Homocide, Rape vics), even helps out in experiments (anyone remember youngblood), he doesn't have any predjudices and always gets his man (Danny would know all about that :devil:)!

He is in a word PERFECT! and hey i wouldn't want him any other way.
Yes, Sammy11 I think cloning Flack would be an EXCELLENT idea. Then we wouldn't have to share him! Unless of course the Flack-clones turn out to be evil...

TPTB definitely takes a lot of liberties with Flack's actual job description, but hey he gets more screentime this way, I'm not complaining.
Ah, cloning Flack is like cloning 'drama kid'. Everyone loves him so why can't we have more than one of him? He is super Flack. He does everything, but at the same time he still shows human emotions. He gets angry, annoyed, upset, anxious and he cares unconditionally about the people around him. Maybe daddy trained him to be the perfect cop/person. As for reality, there is no him in real life, in the RW you have to pick what part of the police you want to work in, but with Flack he can do anything his heart desiers.
FlackAttack, you're right, so long as he's getting much deserved screen time (and it is much deserved since Eddie's an incredible actor who's beauty and wit we wish to see more of) we don't mind the artistic liberties with his job description. So long as he's still a detective. :D
As long as Super Flack steps up to the plate and regularly delivers (what a thought! down girl) I'm just happy to see as much of him as is humanly possible. I even tune in to giggle at the choice of ties....
Islandgirl said:
Look, I *LIKE* Flack. Really. But is anybody else confused by the fact that he seems to simultaneously be:
1.) A homicide detective
2.) A member of the vice squad (running drug raids, etc.)
3.) A member of the SWAT team
:lol: :lol: I mentioned that same thing to my husband last night when we were watching. It truly was a little distracting. Add to your list NYPD spokesman since he handled the press conference regarding the raid, which is quite a departure from real world protocol.

Not that I'm complaining. I love all the Flack I can get.
I have to put my 2 cents in here, I love Flack and all we could get of him. But in the eposode Consequences he was also involved in a drug raid with the black cocaine. I don't get all his roles in the NYPD but who cares as long as we get to see him oh and him in jeans.
Of course they'd use him as a spokesperson. Someone as gorgeous as him deserves to be on TV.
Flack in Jeans? *drool* he's just so amazing. :D
Dynamo1 said:
Is he also a meter maid?

:lol:Brilliant - love it! :D

There's no douby our Flack-boy is indeed multi-skilled, which seeing as it enables him to get so much screen time is something I'm certainly not complaining about!
Faylinn said:
He is Super!Flack, master of the Universe!...and the NYPD.
LOL :lol:. I think it's called artistic license. But the more screen time the better, so I don't think many people will be complaining.