Flack/Monroe #2 - It's a Block Party Thing!

New thread wow!

the block party
the height difference is so cute
Oh . . . I had post #1001 on the last thread. Oh well. I'll just have to repost it here before I start the party off.

iheartnickcath said:
Where is Nutty lately?..

Where am I, you ask? I may have lost my mind, but at least I didn't lose myself! . . . I mean, . . . what do I mean?

I've been busy writing the fics all y'all want, and getting the caps that you *points at IHNC* wanted, and I finally got a photo editing software, so I've been making a bunch of icons *points nonchalantly to the left at new icon* and wallpapers. And yes, once I've got a few FM ones under my belt, I'll post them.

Ooh . . . down to the last two or three posts . . . better go then. See you in the new thread!

So, I guess I'm seeing you in the new thread! :lol: I crack myself up . . . :)

Party time! *tosses out champagne, strawberries, and chocolate pudding in honor of that wonderful fic on ff.net even though I have no idea who wrote it*

Be back later with the song titles I promised you, screamingpoet. And don't get into too much trouble while I'm gone . . . :D

Edit: And, YES! You guys chose my thread title! That's one for the D/L thread and one for here . . . I may be more clever than I thought . . . :D
Hey. You want to take pics just as much as I want you to take them. Thats a fact.

hmmm.. Well as long as they see all the post going into this one, one of the mods will lock yours when they get on, Em...
Is it really a fact? Or is it an opinion cleverly disguised as a fact? Hmm? Hmm? HMMM?

Sorry. Need to go to sleep now. Chat with you cuties in the morning. Or afternoon. Whenever I decide to grace the world with my bedhead presence. :D
hmmm..can I have both? .. Night, Nutty!

OMG its Auda!.. So Auda, this one time at the block party.. lol
^Did you cry in your beer while missing me, IHNC?

Okay, here's a goofy one just for you and just for that...I smell a new fic for you to do... :lol:

One time at the block party...
Oh, Flack and Monroe,
[We] began shipping FM Radio,
Now there's no turning the dial,
Just look how they smile,
Whatever may come,
Let's just hope it's some real good fun...
*claps hands and whistles* Go Auda!!!.. And yes, I missed you!

*glares at Amanda* Your just as insane, if not more.. So what if I missed auda, I do do that occasionaly. Sometimes I miss Nutty, and Em, You - Amanda, and CSI_Watcher, and screamingpoet, and Kels, and this thread. *tear*
I know I am just as insane, but that's not the point, we all knew I was insane

One time at the block party...
Oh, Flack and Monroe,
[We] began shipping FM Radio,
Now there's no turning the dial,
Just look how they smile,
Whatever may come,
Let's just hope it's some real good fun...

Awsome Auda (Ahh...alitterations)
Thanks, I could have done better...I made it up in five seconds after I read Iheart's post...she makes me do these crazy things! :rolleyes: :lol: