"Fitna" the movie released.


Hello guys!

You may have heard of Fitna, the movie already.. for those of you who have been living in a cave for the last couple of weeks: it's a movie released by a (very racistic - in my opinion) Dutch politician against the islam.

It was released yesterday, but the movie had been announced long before (I think in November 2007). It didn't cause that much fuss as expected, luckily. I'm not going to post a direct link here, but if you google the title "Fitna", you'll probably find it.

People thought the politician (Geert Wilders) was going to speak in the movie himself, and they thought he was going to say a lot of upsetting things. The movie consists of images of 9/11, imams expressing 'Allahs message', etc. The movie also has some parts of the Quran quoted. The images are not new to most of us, they have already been shown on television, etc. And it only contains images of orthodox/radical muslims.. Wilders wants to link those muslims to ordinary muslims (all friendly people, who are very well integrated, they speak Dutch very well, they do their jobs very well) in the Netherlands. That's bad. He wants all islamics to leave the Netherlands.

I personally think both sides are bad. I really really respect any kind of choice one makes regarding religion. Anyone knows radical muslims aren't the most friendly people you could meet on the streets. That doesn't mean I share Wilders' opinion, cause c'mon, to link radical muslims with ordinary muslims...?

What's your opinon?
It's just stupid. It's like coming across a group of cannibals, and going ahead to generalise the entire human race as cannibals. Pure idiocy.

Wilders doesn't even have the support of the Dutch Government, and the film really didn't do all that either. Nobody can really take him seriously when it's obvious all he is trying to do is cultivate more conflict instead of trying to solve it.
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Exactly. A couple of muslim countries are now banning our products but they probably don't get that the government (luckily) doesn't support this movie. They even tried to prohibit the movie, unfortunately they couldn't (as the law was standing in the way - they didn't have any evidence because the film was never even shown). A lot of politicians whose opinions I normally don't support were on the same side as me. Wilders is making things worse, he isn't solving it. In his eyes, he will solve the problem by making the movie.
But you can't solve things by saying: "Stop de islamisering in Nederland" (prevent the Netherlands from getting more and more islamic). Then make sure you're a dictator and you get to make the rules on your own, mister Wilders. Because probably no one else will support your opinion.
I think Wilders is in the position where he is purposely making the Netherlands a target. As a politician, shouldn't the well-being and safety of your people come first? Well that probably isn't true as I can't think of any good that could possibly come out from the release of the film.

Is he not simply holding up a sign saying "I HATE ALL ISLAMIST <- Wanna attack my country?" Seriously....he's like a drama queen or something. Nobody is taking him seriously, and even the most radical groups are sort of shrugging at the film. I guess it didn't really strike any nerves then, which I think is incredibly lucky for the world or we could possibly have another crisis to add to the many that are already happening.

Does the man not understand the term "make love not war"? Or is he just content on pressing people's buttons until somebody decides he's better off dead.
I think the movie Fitna is not worried about all the comotion about that movie is for notting,the movie is not interesting,i saw the short promo of the movie yesterday on the rtl news,and it was totally so not shocking,we think it's the most big deal,But i don't going to see it,maybe the islams will attack the netherlands iff wilders go so on,iff he does know or awn another politician or celeb.

but wilders we go to hore mutch more i think,
we get a war i think,i'm really afraid of that,but i know it's coming,everey paper in the netherlands or on the radio you hear that we(dutch people) get it.

Wilders is on the death list,he will be murderd soon,he followed Theo van gogh and pim fortuyn.
There was that one rapper who was interviewed and said if Wilders died, he wouldn't mind, and then Wilders went and classified that as a death threat. I really don't get the man...

Well, for the Dutch's sakes, I hope the extremest realise that Wilders is only one man, and not the entire country. And since the Government has in fact shown the film in a negative light helps somewhat, being that Wilders doesn't have as many supporters as he would like to have.

We can only hope and pray that no more wars will start because of a select group of idiots.
I really, really don't hope we'll get into a war.. France has said they'd help us, but c'mon, let's just not make any war. And I agree with what you said, Gaelen, I hope they'll see Wilders is not the country.

Things went quietly in the Netherlands, no arsons, fights or anything after the film. I'm happy about that! But who knows, maybe one day suddenly Wilders will be murdered.. I won't be surprised.
Attacking the Netherlands could be a catalyst for another big war, and I think both sides know that. Even though some of the muslim radicals, I believe, are quite...mental to be blunt, they are pretty smart.

Let's just hope the conflict can be controlled, but I assume Wilders may have been put on someone's assasination list. Maybe, who knows. Maybe they all think he's just a pansy. :p
I think the film hasn't caused the big commotion it was supposed to cause. They announced in November already that is was going to be controversial and racist, but all they could come up with, is a montage with clips taken out of context. Example?

Koran: Sourat 8, verse 60.
Wilders claims it says to terrorise your enemies and Allahs enemies. (Ned. : uw vijand te terroriseren en Allahs vijand te terroriseren.) I'm sure he just "forgot" that the arab word doesn't mean to terrorise, but to scare (Ned.: vrees aanjagen).

And he also forgot to mention the next line: But if the enemy inline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in Allah, for He is the one that heareth and knoweth (all things).

My point is, the world shouldn't be provoked this easily by someone with so little insight. :rolleyes:
^I think there are alot of things that Wilders have simply "forgotten" to mention in order for him to twist certain words into his view. Thankfully, the world's population isn't as stupid as he may like them to believe.
He's a mental case, Wilders. But he did get a lot of votes and his party does have 9 seats in the Dutch parliament (out of the 150 seats). It means he does have people who trust him. Unfortunately.
They also showed parts of the movie in the news. I think they shouldn't have done it, because not everyone wants to see this. If they want to see it, fine with me, but I won't. This guy doesn't deserve my attention, he's such a racist. And let's hope we don't get a war. :eek:
I seriously wonder if he's disappointed with the reactions to the movie. Someone should interview him and ask, "Are you happy with how the world has reacted to your film?"

If he says yes, then he's a liar who's just bored and needs to take up a new hobby.
Well, I've watched the film together with some of my work mates, including the muslim ones and the text Wilders quoted & translated is correct. However, the dangerous thing about the Qu'ran is that it can be explained in many ways, and it's beyond vulnerable to whatever is written to be taken out of context which unfortunately is being done by the radical side of muslim extremists.. as well as by Wilders who's using it to show how harmful the Islam can be. The film itself wasn't that big of a deal I'd say, it's things that have already been on the news plenty! Only thing that did shock me were the harsh and vile comments regarding Jews and the holocaust..
^Well any text can be taken out of context, and Wilders in this has chosen to only quote "parts" of the text - incomplete parts. And yes, most of the text has been translated correctly but there are still some words that are pretty vague and Wilders has chosen the most harshest of english words to represent them.

But just like Wilders, the muslim extremist are no better. They take the words and twist it to fit their own ideas, which is wrong. With all the killings going, I truly wonder how they manage to simply ignore the fact that a muslim is not allowed to take the life of another, or his own for that matter.

Islam is supposed to be a peaceful religion, but since the words and teachings can be warped so badly in the minds of some of its followers, there isn't much that can be done. The same things apply to all religions of the world. There will always be someone who interprets things differently, we are, after all, human.

And until everyone learns to accept that there is more than one religion being followed on this planet, and that nobody is "wrong", but are free to choose which they wish to follow, I doubt the fighting will ever stop.