Lab Technician
Hey y'all, this is my first NY fic, I hope you like! Please comment and let me know what you think. Thanks

Chapter 1
It started off being a beautiful day in downtown New York, but got worse and worse as the day progressed.
At around 4:30pm all the CSI's were on their afternoon coffey break, talking about the earlier cases they all solved. Then right as Lindsay was about to say a smart remark to Danny as always Mac's cell phone started to ring startling everyone, except Mac.
"Mac here." he answered chuckling softly from the reaction on everyone elses face.
Everyone just stared at him while he was on the phone, but then he stood up as he shut his phone and said, "Danny, Flack, you're both coming with me, we have a DB and a suspect on the loose down on the corner of twelfth and 2nd Ave."
Danny laughed and then said, "What do you mean suspect on the loose?"
Mac just got a frustrated look on his face, then he turned to Flack and said, "You're probably going to have to catch her, she keeps getting into places where the police can't get to her."
Flack nodded, but then Danny started laughing like crazy as he said, "Her?? It's a her, and they can't catch her?"
Mac whipped his head around as he said, "Cool it Danny! Yes, it's a she, and to top it off she's only 14."
Danny shut up after that, but he was still giggling on the inside everyone could tell.
But anyway, the three of them headed off to the crime scene, and when they arrived a policeman came up to them and said, "Mac, Flack, Danny, hey you guys. This one is for sure a weird one. It seems that this teenager is the only one who saw anything, except for this blind guy who called it in, he for sure didn't see anything, he just heard it."
Danny looked around, and then he said, "How do you know that the teenager saw what happened and didn't just show up afterwards?"
"Because, she has a huge cut on her arm, and blood all over her clothes, so we think she's a victom in this too."
Danny nodded, and then Flack said, "Where is she?"
The officer pointed over toward a car parked on the other side of the road as he said, "She's in the car over there, we didn't want to break the window cause we were afraid she'd try and get away if we did, and we knew you guys would need her."
Mac looked at Flack, and then Flack said to Mac with a sigh, "I'm on it."
He then started heading over to the car where two other policemen were. Flack knew Mac was going to tell him to go get her out cause everyone knows Flack is the best at chasing people down and catching runaways.
So anyway, after he headed over to the car Danny and Mac headed over to the victom lying on the ground face down. Mac leaned down next to the body, then Danny did the same.
After about five minutes they all heard a shatter. They whipped their heads around to where Flack and the car was and they saw that he broke out the car's window.
He obvisouly didn't have the fear that the girl would get away, but she did open the other door and started running the other direction, and then Flack took off after her.
Mac stayed knelt down, but Danny stood up. Then he said, "Wow, she's pretty fast for a girl."
Mac also started making comments, so Danny was looking down at him. But the problem was that Flack was now chasing the girl over toward where Danny and Mac were.
So Danny and Mac stayed talking, but the other two kept getting closer and closer to them, but they didn't notice.
Then the girl looked back at Flack and just kept running, then Mac happened to look up right as the girl was practically on them, then he yelled, "Danny, watch!"
Danny turned his head just at the time the girl did and then they both hit the ground. She ran straight into him, and he fell on his back with her now on top of him. After a few seconds she tried to get back up and start running again, but Mac grabbed her by one wrist and Flack grabbed her by the other.
Danny was still just sprawled out on the ground watching the sky spin, then Flack got complete hold of the girl and Mac looked down at Danny and said, "Danny you ok?"
Danny started blinking as he said, "Sure, I'm cool, just stop spinning."
Mac looked at Flack and Flack just shrugged his shoulders as he handed the girl over to the police officers.
Danny now had blood all over his clothes and arms too, but Mac and Flack had gloves on, so they just tossed the gloves.
Mac got up behind Danny and helped push him up into sitting position as he said, "You must of hit your head."
Danny kept blinking as he reached up behind his head and rubbed it as he said, "Yea, must have."
He had a big knot on it, then Flack knealed down in front of him and said, "You alright now, or do we need an ambulance so we can tell the paramedics a 14 year old girl made you get a concusion???"
Danny just glared at Flack, then as he was about to through a punch toward his arm Flack stood up quickly and said, "You ain't touching me man, you have dead man's blood all over you."
Danny was just about to say something when Mac stopped them and said, "That's enough you two, Danny get up, you'll live. And Flack, it's a part of your job to get a little blood on you, so grow up. And go take your clothes off Danny, you're evidence now............
Hope you liked
Chapter 1
It started off being a beautiful day in downtown New York, but got worse and worse as the day progressed.
At around 4:30pm all the CSI's were on their afternoon coffey break, talking about the earlier cases they all solved. Then right as Lindsay was about to say a smart remark to Danny as always Mac's cell phone started to ring startling everyone, except Mac.
"Mac here." he answered chuckling softly from the reaction on everyone elses face.
Everyone just stared at him while he was on the phone, but then he stood up as he shut his phone and said, "Danny, Flack, you're both coming with me, we have a DB and a suspect on the loose down on the corner of twelfth and 2nd Ave."
Danny laughed and then said, "What do you mean suspect on the loose?"
Mac just got a frustrated look on his face, then he turned to Flack and said, "You're probably going to have to catch her, she keeps getting into places where the police can't get to her."
Flack nodded, but then Danny started laughing like crazy as he said, "Her?? It's a her, and they can't catch her?"
Mac whipped his head around as he said, "Cool it Danny! Yes, it's a she, and to top it off she's only 14."
Danny shut up after that, but he was still giggling on the inside everyone could tell.
But anyway, the three of them headed off to the crime scene, and when they arrived a policeman came up to them and said, "Mac, Flack, Danny, hey you guys. This one is for sure a weird one. It seems that this teenager is the only one who saw anything, except for this blind guy who called it in, he for sure didn't see anything, he just heard it."
Danny looked around, and then he said, "How do you know that the teenager saw what happened and didn't just show up afterwards?"
"Because, she has a huge cut on her arm, and blood all over her clothes, so we think she's a victom in this too."
Danny nodded, and then Flack said, "Where is she?"
The officer pointed over toward a car parked on the other side of the road as he said, "She's in the car over there, we didn't want to break the window cause we were afraid she'd try and get away if we did, and we knew you guys would need her."
Mac looked at Flack, and then Flack said to Mac with a sigh, "I'm on it."
He then started heading over to the car where two other policemen were. Flack knew Mac was going to tell him to go get her out cause everyone knows Flack is the best at chasing people down and catching runaways.
So anyway, after he headed over to the car Danny and Mac headed over to the victom lying on the ground face down. Mac leaned down next to the body, then Danny did the same.
After about five minutes they all heard a shatter. They whipped their heads around to where Flack and the car was and they saw that he broke out the car's window.
He obvisouly didn't have the fear that the girl would get away, but she did open the other door and started running the other direction, and then Flack took off after her.
Mac stayed knelt down, but Danny stood up. Then he said, "Wow, she's pretty fast for a girl."
Mac also started making comments, so Danny was looking down at him. But the problem was that Flack was now chasing the girl over toward where Danny and Mac were.
So Danny and Mac stayed talking, but the other two kept getting closer and closer to them, but they didn't notice.
Then the girl looked back at Flack and just kept running, then Mac happened to look up right as the girl was practically on them, then he yelled, "Danny, watch!"
Danny turned his head just at the time the girl did and then they both hit the ground. She ran straight into him, and he fell on his back with her now on top of him. After a few seconds she tried to get back up and start running again, but Mac grabbed her by one wrist and Flack grabbed her by the other.
Danny was still just sprawled out on the ground watching the sky spin, then Flack got complete hold of the girl and Mac looked down at Danny and said, "Danny you ok?"
Danny started blinking as he said, "Sure, I'm cool, just stop spinning."
Mac looked at Flack and Flack just shrugged his shoulders as he handed the girl over to the police officers.
Danny now had blood all over his clothes and arms too, but Mac and Flack had gloves on, so they just tossed the gloves.
Mac got up behind Danny and helped push him up into sitting position as he said, "You must of hit your head."
Danny kept blinking as he reached up behind his head and rubbed it as he said, "Yea, must have."
He had a big knot on it, then Flack knealed down in front of him and said, "You alright now, or do we need an ambulance so we can tell the paramedics a 14 year old girl made you get a concusion???"
Danny just glared at Flack, then as he was about to through a punch toward his arm Flack stood up quickly and said, "You ain't touching me man, you have dead man's blood all over you."
Danny was just about to say something when Mac stopped them and said, "That's enough you two, Danny get up, you'll live. And Flack, it's a part of your job to get a little blood on you, so grow up. And go take your clothes off Danny, you're evidence now............
Hope you liked