First Dates by Birth Signs

But if you notice, some of them can be ranty and long. Then I wonder if they're going round winding roads so that by chance they hit something that does seem familiar to your own character.

It's still scary when you're reading the newspaper and someone's talking about you being bad with relationships today and you jsut had a fight with someone. Freaky... :lol:
Yes. That one that was right to the detail kind of freaked me out. And let me point that this is the first time when I admitted it. It was boyfriend related :D It described what I didn't like about him, and they almost reproduced my words when I told him that we were over. The break up happened one night before the newspaper horoscope. And the weird thing is that it wasn't long and ranty, it was kind of spot on.
I just read my horoscope and I have to say this is very creepy the first quarter of the year. I'm gonna read this again in 3 months and see if it still fitts :guffaw:
I just read MY horoscope and for once it's giving me something to look forward to! (rather than describing the life that I am already living). Yippee for me! Now if only I could just do what that little paragraph says about staying true to your beliefs. :p
I always find my horoscope to be eerily accurate. As a taurus I hold all the traditional traits. Stubborness, a love of expensive and luxurious things, a need to be part of nature and I'm drawn to romance. My brother is the poster boy for Gemini, and my mom is Leo down to the 't'.

As for the history of the zodiac and horoscopes, it's based a lot off of Greek mythology (ie, Virgo is actually the Greek goddess Demetre, and her traits are based off of the mythology surrounding her.) I don't know how they corispond to the months of the year, but mythology would state that during certian months different planets align and those would influence your personality. I don't know the entire history, and if I did I wouldn't bore you with the details, but it's very spiritually oriented with the ideas that planets and gods dictate our fates and personalities. Its like the idea that if you add up all the numbers in your date of birth (Dec 12 1990 would be 1+2+1+2+1+9+9+0) you get a number that corisponds with a card in the Major Arcane of the Tarot Deck and is supposed to give you a look into your personality and your future.
Really it comes right down to whether or not you believe that your life is dictated by some higher spiritual power and can be read through varying forms of divination. one thing I do know is that people do like to say 'this aspect of my zodiac sign applies to me, while this one is completely wrong.' So as Nat put it, it might just be us picking and chosing what we want to believe in what someone else says about us.

And DaWacko, is that enough post content 0_~
I have always refused to believe that my life is ran by some other spiritual force. I am a strong believer in the saying that man builds his own faith. I do not believe in luck, and neither in the horoscope. I simply cannot grasp the concept that just by looking at the stars a person is able to determine the fact that I will get a raise, or that I will have specific health problems, or how my friends view me in that period of the year.

"Crap" is a strong word to describe what I feel for the horoscope, but as many said before there are general stuff in there, and something has to apply to you. I mean, how many Libras in the world would have a certain event inflicted on them by the stars? In my opinion these thins are a bit of a stretch. I believe in science facts (and I'm in the right place :p ) and I think that science has nothing to do with future guessing.
Geez, that sounded like a rant Mac would give to Stella or something. :lol:

But I agree with you. I am religious, but to tell your future by the stars? I mean come on, not only does it sound ridiculous but the concept itself holds no basis what so ever. It's just a concoction of boredom and amusement of shiny things in the night sky. Something was bound to sprout out from that right? :p

However ridiculous it is though, it's still far too amusing to read through your horoscope in hopes of proving it undoubtfully wrong. Though it seems whenever I actually want to try that, the horoscope's going on about something else in life...about getting a raise and I don't even work. :lol:. Maybe it's talking about my pocket money. :rolleyes:

Hmm, I wonder what my horoscope is for today...
I forgot about the "magic rocks" that are specific to certain signs and are supposed to bring them luck or keep their health OK, or the ones who are supposed to bring true love. And the weird thing is that there are people who sell these rocks for a lot of bucks, when their worth is close to zilch :wtf:. As a person who is passionate about rocks, and also a geologist-to-be I can't even begin to explain how wrong are those assumptions. The prettiness of a rock or the fact that it glows in dark , or the fact that it has a beautiful symmetrical shape and whatnot are produced by certain chemical compounds and by the factors that determined its formation such as temperature, pressure and the depth of its formation.

I don't want to be misunderstood, I have nothing against persons who believe in it. Each with his own business. I'm just saying that I wouldn't see myself involved in it.