First Dates by Birth Signs

It scares me how easily I fit into my star-sign. Seriously. :eek:

But I'm a bit sceptical to the whole romance and birth signs thing. Not everyone fits the bill :p
And more content to post would be wonderful

Hee, I think those are silly but always amusing to read :p

I didn't have time to read that story, just have read so many before and all other Signs stuff.
Slightly OT, but does anyone know the actual basis for astronomy? I mean, it seems a little more than coincidence, or random that someone, or a group of people, picked and chose star signs and made them synonymous with certain traits, i.e, the whole describing that a person born as a certain sign would develop certain behaviours etc.

I guess it could be a whole load of bogus and all of it is just mental :p
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Slightly OT, but doesn't anyone know the actual basis for astronomy? I mean, it seems a little more than coincidence, or random that someone, or a group of people, picked and chose star signs and made them synonymous with certain traits, i.e, the whole describing that a person born as a certain sign would develop certain behaviours etc.

I guess it could be a whole load of bogus and all of it is just mental :p

I always that but it could just be us!

For example, we read our horoscope and try to make it come true or interprate (Sp?) something that happens to make it true!
^That could be true. We could just be picking and choosing (in our heads) which traits seem to fit us so it seems as though somebody out there is psychic. :p

But I refuse to believe there is anyone out there even remotely similar to me :) Now that I think about it, generalising such a wide band of human beings is kind of...stupid? pointless...and difficult.

But fun all the same! I love finding horoscopes and trying to prove them wrong. Unfortunately, I'm not always successful :lol:
Those were definetly fun to read, and scarily enough I do listen to my IPod a lot and it's hard ot pull me away. :p Dead giveaway on what star-sign I am. :lol:

I only know what my horoscope or horrorscope s my friends playfully call them, when someone feels th need to read it out loud. Though they do seem to hit the nail on the head more often than not. Perhaps there are spies following us, Liffy! :guffaw:
^Maybe it's Nat running around after us! :lol: Hehe.

But yeah, sometimes when you find your horoscope, thinking that it'd be just a bunch of crappy words, they tend to hit the mark and you're pleasantly surprised to know your 12 moon, or star is en route to Saturn, or w/e. :p

I usually read them when I'm dead bored, because it's amusing. :p And it is. Of course not all of them are trust worthy...

Has anyone ever compared horoscopes from different sources for the same day and see the differences? I should try that. :)
I'm a Libra, and I'm the total opposite of what I should be. The only thing that suits me is the sense of justice. I would to anything to make the truth come up, and I had a few chances to help people on that matter.

That little piece of romance and signs, it does not fit me. It said that for Libra that perfect first date should be romantic, formal somewhere quiet. Well, my opinion on the ideal first date is totally opposite. I don't believe in romantic stuff (seriously, I have asked my boyfriends not to bring me flowers because I hate it - not the flowers, the gesture). I'm more of a spontaneous person, I love something unplanned and romance is all about the planning. I live for the loud music, and I believe I was born in snickers :D So my ideal Libra date is casual, somewhere with loud music and totally unprepared.
Age could also be a big influence on that. I mean I know a few people who when younger, spat at the mention of 'romance' and now they're just hopeless romantics. Guess there really isn't a point to it is there, it's either you fit or you dont.

Chances are though, there's some other horoscope magazine that'll fit you. I doubt they'd all the same. :p
^Maybe it's Nat running around after us! :lol: Hehe.

Oh S**t you caught me!

I usually read them when I'm dead bored, because it's amusing. :p And it is. Of course not all of them are trust worthy...

Liffy I agree, If im bord I sometimes look through them and see if any of them fit to pass the time :p

I'm a Taurus and mine usually are round about right but I agree sometimes they seem to be different when age is concered ;)
Mine was pretty spot on :lol: Thats kind of scary! How do these things work?
Anyways, I've never really come across a horoscope that didnt fit me in one way or another, they usually always seem to be talking about amazes me :lol:
Age could also be a big influence on that. I mean I know a few people who when younger, spat at the mention of 'romance' and now they're just hopeless romantics. Guess there really isn't a point to it is there, it's either you fit or you dont.

Chances are though, there's some other horoscope magazine that'll fit you. I doubt they'd all the same. :p

I agree, age could have a big influence on my perception (as I'm only 19). But I know women older than 30 who are on the same page with me. I know I'm not going to change my view on that. I was accused several times of being too cynical for my age. I took it as a compliment though.

Frankly, I'm one of those few people that couldn't find a match for them in the horoscope. Libras are supposed to be balanced, and I'm more on the extreme. They say that we see life in gray nuances but I only see it black and white. I remember I laughed really hard (while I was trying to hide that I was really amazed) when I've read a horoscope that it was right down to the last detail. It only happened once though. I'll need more evidence to be convinced on that.