favorite quotes


hey lets start a thread where we list our favorite quotes from episodes in CSI las vegas. but there's a catch. you've got to list the episode that the quote(s) was/were in, AND the speaker(s)
i'll be the first one to start it off...and this is my absolute fav quote :D

“It's sad, isn't it, Doc? Guys like us. Couple of middle-aged men who've allowed their work to consume their lives. The only time we ever touch other people is when we're wearing our latex gloves. We wake up one day and realize that, for 50 years, we haven't really lived at all. But then, all of a sudden...we get a second chance. Somebody young and beautiful shows up. Somebody...we could care about. She offers us a new life with her...but we have a big decision to make, right? Because we have to risk everything we've worked for in order to have her. I couldn't do it...but you did."
-Grissom (Butterflied: Season 4)
"Liar, liar, car on fire."
-- Sara Sidle (Cats in the Cradle)

"We got another dead body call."
"Wait. Is he missing a head?"
-- Gil Grissom and Sara Sidle (Evaluation Day)
Hey guys I hope you don't mind if I tweek the rules.
The name of ep must be in there good idea (no tweeking)

Who said it (tweeking) it might be best if you put the name of the one saying it next to the line, what. For example:

Catherine: Classic "he said, she said". They're either acting in cahoots, trying to confuse us or Natal is acting on her own thinking that the wife is the obstacle standing between them.
Nick: Nothing quite says "I love you" like "I killed your wife so we can be together".
all from season 5
Catherine Willows: Roll up your sleeve, make a muscle.
Catherine Willows: Oh. Now, how much time and effort went into this? I'm gonna guess
five days a week a the gym, low carb, low fat, slow burn, and for what, Nicky? For what?
Nick Stokes: That's a good point, but it's not the same thing.
Catherine Willows: No. It's nice, though.
Nick Stokes: Well, thanks, I'm not even flexing it yet either.
Catherine Willows: Really? But it's rock hard.
David Phillips: Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt ... barge in. I ... normally would've
knocked, but the door isn't ...
Nick Stokes: No, no, it's all right, Super Dave.
-Crows feet

Sofia Curtis: I can barely move in this dress and we haven't cleared the bathroom yet, so
there it is. Don't worry, I'm wearing underwear. As far as you know.
This is all from "Fur and Loathing" in Season 4.
Catherine Willows: Okay, well ... I've heard of some guys getting off in some weird ways,
but humping an animal suit? Well, whatever happened to normal sex?
Gil Grissom: What is normal sex?
Catherine Willows: Uh, you think it's natural for a grown human to only be intimate with a
talking animal?
Gil Grissom: Well, Freud said that the only unnatural sexual behavior was to have none at
all. And after that, it's just a question of opportunity and preference. And evidently, many
prefer the feel of fur to the texture of human skin.
Catherine Willows: Well, I like hairy chests, but I'm not about to bop a six-foot weasel.

And also, read my signature...it's from "Viva Las Vegas" from Season 5.
SARA: Wow, you got to go to the body farm?
SARA: I've always wanted to go there. What was it like?

I loved that. :lol:
mariel said:
SARA: Wow, you got to go to the body farm?
SARA: I've always wanted to go there. What was it like?

I loved that. :lol:
Please note the episode quoted above is "Burden of Proof", lets remember that you all need to put in the name of the episode the quotes come from. Thank you.
GRISSOM: Hey, Nick?
NICK: Yeah?
GRISSOM: I think I found a toupee. Our vic may be bald.
NICK: (dryly) Thanks, that will help me distinguish it from the other severed heads I find out here.
--6x24 Way To Go

GRISSOM: One of the sonnets. Love is conditional.
CAMERON KLINEFELD: For most people.
GRISSOM: But not for you.
--4x01 Assume Nothing

CATHERINE: So, this film-- it's kind of hard to detect because it dissolves with body heat. And, as you know, Greg, sex can make a body pretty hot.
--1x7 Who Are You?

WARRICK: Do you know what Grissom drinks when he goes out at night?
SARA: He goes out?
WARRICK: Exactly. Who knows anything about that guy? Hey, check that out.
1x20 Sounds Of Silence

CATHERINE: Never doubt and never look back. That's how I live my life.
1x23 Strip Strangler
Sara: This is our first bucket brigade together, gentleman. Try saying that ten times fast. Bucket brugade. Bucket brigade.
Grissom: we have to do this quickly. It's 120 degrees outside, and our crime scene is melting.
4x01 Assume Nothing

Sara: You've always been more than a boss to me.
5x...... I can't remember which eppie, sorry.

Sara: Since when have you been interested in beauty?
Grissom: Since I met you.
2x16 Primum non Nocere Aka "Icings"

Can't think of any more....
My own quote of course:

"Well, at least the driver was sober. I can't say the same about the boatload of high school kids he was driving around town. Listen to some of the wonderful statements I got: We go "err", dude goes "Ah!", we go BAM, dude goes "Ahh!"
- Det. Brass, Living Legend

Grissom (shouting over noise): Teenage Wasteland!
Warrick (shouting over noise): Who?
Grissom (shouting over noise): Yeah!
- Friend and Lover

Really bad pun but I got a kick out of it:

Grissom: I think she just ratted herself out.
- The Hunger Artist

Oh man there are so many good quotes over on IMDB and I do not know the episodes to list them.
I apologize. My favorite quote I just cannot remember the episode name.
Grissom (to sara) ~ The Best intentions are Fraught with disappointment.
I'm pretty sure that was from 3x14 One Hit Wonder.

Destiny said:
Please note the episode quoted above is "Burden of Proof", lets remember that you all need to put in the name of the episode the quotes come from. Thank you.
Oh, excuse me, I didn't know that. I'll remember it next time. ;)