Favorite/Least Favorite Episodes of the Season

There was no competition for the best episode. It had to be Snow Day. Everything about it was great. Well, except for the Irish accents. Those were just terrible. Everything else was great though.

Cold Reveal was definitely the worst. It was just lame. I hated it.
Favorite: Snow Day Hands down. With Not What It Looks Like and [/b] Raising Shane[/b] Close runners up. Good plots, kept it interesting, no unbelievable crime solving (ie. tear analyisis, cross river facial recognition, snow flake analysis, etc.)

Least Favorite: Sweet Sixteen and Murder Sings the Blues because, well, I don't have a clue what they were about and that's just sad.
Favorite: Sleight out of hand. It was so freakin' funny with Danny all like -stumbles around- and Criss Angel... Mm Mm Mm. The cute little D/L moments were a bonus.

Of course, Snow Day was a close second. For the obvious reason such as D/L. And the action and the wet Mac running around. Come on, what's not to love?

Least Favorite: I'm not sure with this one but if one Imma hafta say Consequences. That one could just not hold my attention. I don't know what it is about it, but I couldn't get in to it. Plus, it's shown way to much for me.
Hands down, my favorite episode of the season was Snow Day. I loooove take-charge Don Flack. He was so hot and cool at the same time, if that is possible. :D ;) I also love "Rambo" Stella! She was so kick-ass in that episode. :)

As for my least favorite episode, it's got to be Love Run Cold. The episode did nothing for me. It wasn't exciting. It was pretty much lame, to be quite honest.
My favorite was definatly "Snow Day". I couldn't turn away and the whole time I was on the edge of my seat. I loved it! Plus, I love D/L, which was cute in a forced way.

My runner up for best was "Hung Out To Dry" because I think the t-shirts were a great puzzle. Like it was just a fun episode.

My least favorite was "Some Buried Bones" I didn't like the episode. It didn't do anything for me.
I actually have a question about an episode in season 3. There was an episode where Mac and Don found an "angel' dead in a chruch. He was making a video for some stupid stunts website or TV show or something, does anyone know the title of that episode???

Sorry if that too vague but I can't really remember anything else, not the other cases or who the killer was sorry.
I liked the episode with Criss Angel in it, I think it was Sleight Out of Hand. I love magic and the episode was cool. I loved all the magic in the episode and finding out about his tricks. That was just about the only episode of CSI New York that I have scene.
My favourite was Hung Out to Dry, I thought it was an excellent storyline, and very inventive. Snow Day was my second choice, but the D/L seemed out of place and kinda ruined it for me.

My least favourite was Obsession because it was just so dull. I also really disliked Heart of Glass (weak explanations for the cases) and Love Run Cold (lame D/L and not very interesting cases).