"Fannysmackin" Won't Bring in Tourism

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Dead on Arrival
The theme of "Fannysmackin" was that tourists to Las Vegas better not head-out off the Strip alone or they'll get their heads busted by gangs of youngsters; not very encouraging for tourism to Vegas. I'll be afraid on my next visit to Vegas.
Well, the reality is, they could have played this episode out on ANY CSI, NY and Miami could have this problem too. Granted, it was really focused towards LV due to Gil's comments at the end.

I've always thought the "what happens in vegas..." slogan was stupid. Vegas is called "Sin City" for a reason, but in reality, you could have this problem even in San Diego where I live.

All in all, I'm sure that this episode won't really negatively affect the tourism that LV gets.
this could happen in any city. Every city has its bad spots, its inner city area. I don't think it's going to scare people from visiting Vegas, it was a warning to be careful where you wonder at night, as you should do in any city.
Oh yeah... I mean we have a lot of killings here in Florida. Not beatings.. killings. It hasn't really been tourists, but you know, everywhere has there own bad spots. But as warrick or Nick said somewhere in there, its a huge place for drinking and gambling and sex.. you know, that kind of stuff can't be too good. And like someone else said, its called Sin City for a reason.
And it was based on actual events that happened in Vegas.
But that kind of stuff happens everywhere especially in big cities. Seattle had that problem several years ago, gangs going around randomly beating up people.
I think though the point of the episode was the "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" slogan can get you into serious trouble and you , tourist or not need to be responsible for your actions, kinda like what Grissom was saying at the end of the episode, and just because you visit Vegas, what you do there still has reprocussions in the 'real world'
that's just My opinion
I went to Vegas in the summer and I was a bit worried about visiting the States from a personal safety point of view. But I have to defend the city, both on and off The Strip. It was by the safest feeling place I have visited. We went off to flea markets off downtown, used proper public transport rather than just the tourist Deuce Bus and never had anything but help and hospitality from the Vegas people.

Violence is frequent in every town, city, country in the world. And I'm not saying that Vegas doesn't have it's moments, because it must. But I never encountered anything that made me feel uneasy or threatened and everyone in Las Vegas - from the council to people - should be proud of where they come from and the atmosphere generated in their city.

There, feel better for that! And I'm going again next year!
CSIThomas said:
Well, the reality is, they could have played this episode out on ANY CSI, NY and Miami could have this problem too. Granted, it was really focused towards LV due to Gil's comments at the end.

I've always thought the "what happens in vegas..." slogan was stupid. Vegas is called "Sin City" for a reason, but in reality, you could have this problem even in San Diego where I live.

All in all, I'm sure that this episode won't really negatively affect the tourism that LV gets.
ita. After all, I'm guessing things like that are rare in Vegas anyway.
hhunter said:
And it was based on actual events that happened in Vegas.
But that kind of stuff happens everywhere especially in big cities. Seattle had that problem several years ago, gangs going around randomly beating up people.
I think though the point of the episode was the "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" slogan can get you into serious trouble and you , tourist or not need to be responsible for your actions, kinda like what Grissom was saying at the end of the episode, and just because you visit Vegas, what you do there still has reprocussions in the 'real world'
that's just My opinion

I live here and went on in great lengths on the "Fannysmackin"" spoiler thread, about this- it's horrific, and they come out at night!!! the reason being is obvious, and if you visit, don't stay in ay off the Strip cheapie motels, that's where they lurk, they got ou police force working overtime to counteract this, whenever you've got gambling-drinking 24 hrs. and a bunch of kids with no where to go, and they claim nothing to do, you've got trouble!!! I'm terrified to go anywhere at night, because of the drive home, :( they'll jump you at a signal, and take your car and rob or beat you!!!the strip it's self is pretty safe bright lights and loads of security, but downtown is freaky,creepy... low-lifes gather, EWWWWWWWWW, and watch out for vulnerable folk's who havent' got a clue!!get screwed :( so watching this was like real life !! and I'm sure it does happen in al cities, but this was taken from actual events that happened here!!!
It's a reality in any city. You're targetted by all sorts of people- ones who want to beat you up, steal your money and all sorts of stuff. The thing is to be smart, stay away from shady sides of town, and above all don't act like a tourist. It's a hard thing to learn but is very helpful when traveling. :)
Heck, I live in a small city. We have "fannysmackin'" happening here, except these bands of kids go after homeless people, instead... It could be anywhere, not just a big city or tourist destination.
I guess what I wanted to say and didn't get out very well is that when in Vegas, don't be fooled by the slogan
WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS STAYS IN VEGAS because gangs, rape, random beatings can happen EVERYWHERE including Vegas
I think tourists get a little 'too caught up' in that slogan and possibly don't think anything will happen to them there.
Smart thing is to keep to the Strip, keep safe and be prudent about your surroundings

That I guess is my point
Two comments on this:

1. In the early 1990s, groups of youths in several urban areas--New York, Waco, Dallas, San Diego, Vegas and LA were running around beating the crap out of random strangers. Only then, it was called "Wilding." This is symptomatic of parents that don't control their kids are can't control them due to being overworked and/or single parents, as well as just the utter lack of respect for human life that is shown in some (not all) TV shows, video games and movies.

2. In South Florida, the state had to change how they handled rental cars at the Miami/Dade airport because it used to be that all rental cars had a similar license plate numbering scheme which would make any tourists in Florida a big fat target to robbers who would know they weren't from around there.

There were a slew of tourist robberies that took place along the freeway from the Airport over to Miami beach because it passed right through either Overton Loop or some other really poor slum area that was full of violent criminals. Many of the Tourists were foreigners that were just wanting to drive along Ocean Avenue before getting to their hotels.

As a result of those incidents, the rental car companies also started providing maps and a safer set of directions on how to get to Miami Beach. Furthermore, the State of Florida changed the law so that if you got rearended by another car, you no longer had to stop, because a lot of the robberies were committed via rearending a tourists rental car and then pistolwhipping the person as soon as they stopped to check the car and exchange insurance information.
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