Family Guy

i got it!! hehe, its really funny...i love the greased up deaf guy!! i am surprised that the content wasn't more adult, since they could get away with more, but it was still really funny....

"Peter...get on!" :lol:
From TV Guide online:

Family Guy 'Toons into the Emmys, Star Wars

Family Guy's Brian and Stewie Griffin will pay musical tribute to the year in television with an original on-stage performance at this year's Primetime Emmy Awards, airing Sept. 16 on Fox. In a statement, Stewie says, "I'm going to get me a nice big whiff of some Ryan Seacrest." Why do I get the feeling it will smell exactly like "too much Axe"?

Fox has also released a promotional poster for Family Guy's Sept. 23 premiere, where the Griffin gang gets reimagined as Star Wars characters. Check out the full image here.
"U-G-L-Y She ain't got no alibli
She's ugly! She's ugly!
M, she's major ugly
O, she's fat and pugly
OMG No the cow says MOO!!!"

^^ Isn't that the most RANDOM song you've ever heard? God I love Stewie and Brian :D
I love Family Guy Stewie and the Evil Monkey. My faveorite is from one of the new epi's...

Stewie: (Comes into the bedroom) Lois! Lois! Lois! Lois! Lois! Lois! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mama! Mama! Mama! Ma! Ma! Ma! Ma! Mum! Mum! Mum! Mum! Mummy! Mummy! Mumma! Mumma! Mumma!

haha, I though it was so funny.
The British porn thing is hilarious! I love Family Guy, my favourite characters are Stewie and Quagmire (giggidy-giggidy-goo!). Another funny bit I liked is from the ep where Lois is running for mayor and she gives that speech where she uses 9/11 as an excuse for everything. Nice bit of relevant political humor.
Oh my, "Family Guy", my kids and I watch this show all the time. Peter is a riot, especially his laugh, Meg...well she's useless, and needs to taken off the show. Then there is Chris, I they come any stupider? Now we come to Brain, the only alcholic dog, that understands Stewie, and his need to kill Lois.

Stewie...he's in a class, all his own, I mean a baby, who lives for nothing more, than to kill his mother, and take over the world. "God, Stewie is my fav".

Then we have Quagmire, the giggalo of the show, along with Cleveland, and Joe, the quad cop, with GI Joe attitude.
Oh my god, has anyone ever seen the eppi where Stewie throws the armoi (lol I cant't spell it) down the stairs and then a grineade at lois down the stairs and she survives and he is talking in the walkie talkie? OMG hilarious!