Family Guy



hey ppl... what about that great cartoon... isnt it hillarious?
oh yes....! BLAST! VICTORY IS MINE ! ! hehehe
its my fav one too... and his excelent
I love family guy....! But isn't there a thread already for this?

I love it when stewie is going on and on and about how "It will not be forgotten....NO NO!" I CAN'T remember the exact quote but its hilarious.

and ew ew ew

Peter: There's a message in my alphabets its says ooooo
Bryan: Peter those are cheerios.
lolol... i dont thik thsat there is a thread like this one.. but i could have overlooked...!

remember the episode where bryan was in love with lois?

he was at the bar with peter telling him that he was in love with someone.. it seem like he is starting to understand that it is his wife...and then peter says: wait a minute.... you can talk?

so funny
I've only seen a few eppy's but I liked the one with the greyhound and stewie and everyone were watching her race and stuff and then bryan runs out there and stewie goes "bow chick a wow wow." hilarious.
I think the old seasons are way better then the current one. I find the new episodes touch on a lot of crude humour which is kinda dissapointing. The old ones relied on random humour which really benefited. Oh, and has anyone here watched the Family Guy movie. If you have not I suggest going on right now and renting it or buying it. Your stomach will hurt so much at the end with all that laughing.
I liked the last episode because Stewie touched on the novel again. He was like....

Stewie: Instead of writing for the newspaper you should (in an increasingly high-pitched voice) continue working on your novel.

And then Brina smacked him in the head.

I was laughing histerically at that point. :lol:
heh, i LOVE the new season!! i loved the ep making fun of the FCC! lol, i guess i just love the crude humour better... "thats my side boob" LMAO... ep 4x01 was funny too, making fun of mel gibson and the passion of christ never gets old :lol:
I actually spit out my water this week at one point, I was laughing so suddenly. Damn this show is funny! :lol:
Has anyone one seen "Stewie Griffin : The Untold Story" ? I've got it on DVD and i think its amazing lol.

"What are these? Pancakes? Oh oh these are delectable. Good news flappy, i've decided not to kill you." - Stewie :D