Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread #4.0

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TY MiaCharlize, I couldn't help but make the banner, love those two scenes in BTK hehe. :D
There are seven more Letterman pics and they're more drool-worthy than the 4 pics we posted.. (more cleavage plus the wind is blowing on Marg's hair and all that) but they have watermarks. :(
I hope Erica has the untagged version of those.
OMG Hottie you have the straw in your new siggie! *laughs uncontrollably* That SO cracked me up. LMAO!

Glad to see the pics without tags. Thanks a lot. :)

BTW, I love your new location. :D

Thank you for posting those pics. I am always looking for untagged images for my future marg site.

I finally watched the Letterman interview. It was great, hehe. The tatoo viewing party, the football game and the "honorary Helgenberger Ave." part cracked me up, but I have to say I like last year's interview more because she giggled and laughed a lot in that one. :D

And I couldn't help making this cap. She's SO cute!

Thanks for the pics, E.

I can't remember most of the movie, but the Marg parts of it were awesome - especially the deleted scene (the best part of the movie)!
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