Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread #4.0

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*whacks Squishy* What the heck is that supposed to mean?

Yeah, you catch the reruns, and everytime you miss it, I'll look at you and go, "hahah you sucker you missed it again!"
*hits you*

i will catch that frasier ep. and the matlock ep. geez you'd think as often as i watch matlock i would have seen that ep by now.
Nice pictures! :D thanks for posting,, I don't remember seeing her in Fraiser maybe she looked different lol .. :D I'm not a fan of Fraiser but I watch it sometimes !!!
*say no to violence people!* :lol:

thnxz for the pictures...she looks really nice in that dress!.. ;)

simple & stupid question :cool::who or what is LL!?
Just wanted to let all you Marg fans know that she will be on David Letterman on Sept. 20 the day before the new premier of S/7 ;) should be interesting with his wit and her's :lol:

at the the Palms Ghostbar in Vegas after the "Grave Danger" eppy ;)
Crap, I had a cocky answer for Athens with LL but I completely lost it.

h_love, you're here too?

Squishy. You won't watch it. You'll forget all about it. Its what you do. ;)

Nice..tnx D! .. Nice pic too. :D
Thanks desertwind I love that pic, I hope we could have a bigger version of that. ;)
And yeah Marg will be on the Late Show with David Letterman on the 20th and she will be on Regis and Kelly on the 21st.
I haven't seen the Frasier episode either.. been trying to find that ep..
I loved Marg on the Late Show last time. Particularly when she was bending over and David Letterman is like "I like how you do that..."
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