This was weird ...I thought my theme was too hard or too boring and that's why no one was playing... But I'm sure RL has a way of sneaking up on us all from time to time
Good to know you want to join in AmandaPanda! I'll await your set until I give Greg away! :thumbsup:
I'm too busy this week, working a lot of OT. Plus I have a sick pet, so I've been rather preoccupied to play. My days off are coming up so maybe I can play then.
It's been well over 24 hours ladies and I feel somewhat :alienblush: to have kept Greg for this long...and AmandaPanda...sorry! But he's gotto keep moving !
Dizzney, I hope your sick pet is on the mend!
Thanks ever so much for playing my theme you guys! :thumbsup: I will not keep you in suspense any longer, so here you are: