Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #9

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Oh wow, I got home from a very long day (13 hour +) day at work and found this guy waiting for me. And thank goodness I can spend some time with him tomorrow since I only work 5 hours in the evening. :lol:

Anyway, I liked Jacquie's last theme idea. Now I just have to think of a 6 letter word. :lol: I want to link it to Greg on CSI. Let's see, he was a DNA tech... Oh I got one.

You all know the drill, 12 in 24... :)
FYI - You all should check out the spoiler pic thread. the first promo pic of the season is Greg!!
I'll pick a winner in the morning. Maybe others can post some photos by then too, since right now there are only two players again.
Good morning everyone :)

And I see Yoshi has come out from hiding to play the game :) So it's party time :lol:

Dizzney there could be many factors as to why people aren't playing the game but don't be discouraged. One summer in the Ward there was only 3 of us playing the game for most of July. People slowly started coming back as well as new people came on board. Also the last 2 weeks in July and the first 2 in August are typically when most people are on holidays. At least here in Ontario anyways :)

Also for those that do lurk and don't post because you may not have pictures by all means borrow my pictures to put in your photobucket or other imaging site. All I ask is that you leave my tag on the pictures :)
Ahhh - thanks Dizzney, and lal :D

Just what I need on such a dreary day.

Something else I need - some theme pics if you wouldn't mind. I'm in the mood for some of those beautiful eyes of his.

Up to 12 please in around 24 hours.

Now then. I must attend to my guest who's arrived all booted and suited so he must be expecting a night out - hope he's got something waterproof to wear :rolleyes: :D
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