Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #9

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My time with Greg has come to an end for now. Time for one of you other lucky ladies to get a turn. :) Poor Greg must feel like a football being passed around so much. :lol:

We had 4 players this time. This was a really hard one cause there were some really great captions. :lol:

Runners up:

Dizzney Cause Greg makes a very sexy Indiana Jones. :D
Egeria- Perfect caption and it's funny that he is in pretty much the exact same pose as Christian was in Clueless. :lol:
Ankeila- Never seen that movie, but the quote fits and Greg is adorable in the pic.

And the winner is... Wojo - I never would have thought of that quote for that pic, even though the movie is one of my faves. But, the quote is perfect for it. :)

This one was really really tough. If I could have, I'd have given you all the win. :)
hi there. I've been mia from here for a while, basically cause my computer wouldn't let me upload or save pics for a while. But I'm back. I can't believe I missed this challenge. I've been thinking all day for pics and movies and I just drew a blank on it...Hope the next one is easier..

Congrats Wojo!!!

Here are a few pics I just found, sry if they have been posted before. Eric had some dinner/cooking party a few years back and here are pics from it. Seems like everyone from the show was there.
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I won! Thanks GNRFan (Nice to see a fellow Evil Dead fan). I was surprised to fine this Handsome man waiting for me.

OK you guys want easy, you got it! The new theme is...drum roll please - FLASHLIGHTS!
I want to see our guy with a flashlight, and since CSI uses them in nearly every episode this should not be hard at all. Also it should be easy to avoid dupes!

Let there be light! Up to 12 in 24...

Welcome back twiz.
Yeah the board has been acting up the last few days. I have not had any problems since yesterday afternoon though.
Such yummy flashlight pics! (and the board was acting up on me yesterday too) Its going to be hard to choose.
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