Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

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Read and understood Destiny.

Nice Word pics so far everyone! Keep 'em coming!! :D
Oh gawd you guys make it so hard to pick a winner!! All your caps had me :drool: and the one's I've picked as my faves have me :adore:

Six players, thank you, here's the runners up!

Dizzney is that a camera in his pocket?! :lol: love the gloved hands porn!
starzsgirl He belongs in the sunlight doesn't he *le sigh*
Jacquie yegads the light in his hair...those long fingers...yowza!
Yurek I can't even put into words how much I love this cap
Wojo, this is one I haven't seen before! He looks fabulous!

That makes Yoshi with this gorgeous closeup that includes all of my favourite porn. Gloved hands, face, eyes and lashes, neck, lips, ears...*sigh* excuse me while I go pick my jaw up from the floor. Enjoy your time with Greg, he's worn out though but I'm sure he'll perk up in no time!
Ahhhh - this is what Sunday's should be like all the time.

So, a new theme. Back to an I-Spy as it brings out all sorts of pics.
I'd like pics of Greg/Eric/OC showing something with the letter D.
Post a maximum of 12 pics overall, with a maximum of 6 in each post, you don't have to have 12 pics in total, one will do, just let me know it's a theme pic :)

Feel free to post any other pics you want if you're not joining in or even if you are. As I said before, just let me know which are for the game.
I'll come and select a winner in about 24 hours or so :D

In the meantime.......hold that pose boy ;) :D
Just to note my caps too are free for all, just keep my tag on them please! :D I always feel honoured when people use them. *blush*
I know he's a fellow actor, but I can't remember who he is or where I've seen him before. Its going to drive me crazy!
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