Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #7

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Oh, I haven't seen Pilot ages ago. This very first scene of Greg was great:D

Thanks, Dizz for the next bunch of caps:)
I think I like that shirt better than the green one. That green one just makes me think of lizard scales/skin for some reason. :lol: Which is funny considering the one ep where that woman imagined Greg turning into a lizard. :lol:
Dizzney I love your caps! You do such a great job of cathcing Greg's quickly changing expressions :D
And they're so stinking clear! Mine are always fuzzy. :wtf:
Dizzney I love your caps! You do such a great job of cathcing Greg's quickly changing expressions :D
And they're so stinking clear! Mine are always fuzzy. :wtf:

Thanks, if I get a blurry capture I do not keep them usually. I try to re-do it and get a clearer one.

I would love to see under his shirts too. :drool:

Greg giving Catherine the results
Catherine's reaction
I think her reaction is funny
She looks like she is a bit too excited :lol:
Greg seems amused

Preview of Pledging Mr. Johnson Caps
Last shirt is... I won't comment it:lol: But he's like always hot, no matter what. Thank you so much Dizz for these caps:)
:lol: that shirt does look like the sunday comics. haha.

Love your new avatar by the way. :D

That last pic of Greg and Warrick, the expression on Warrick's face cracks me up.
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