Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #6

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*Kat happily snags caps* My fingers have been itching to photoshop. I have been to tired at night to make icons. I have a feeling when I do - I will make a ton all at one time. :lol:
I watched Drops Out today. I like this epi, Greg had some nice scenes in the beginning. And how hot he looked when he was talking with Cath...
Great caps!! I wonder who got the honor of making the booty print on the TV. :lol:

He looked really great last night, but I think a lot of it was because he just seemed happier too.
Ahhh, I love that our old Greggo seems to be coming back. Last night just thrilled me, especially with that scene from those caps you just posted, Wojo.
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