Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #5

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Yep, there sure is. This thread is for posting and discussing pictures. the other is for discussing all things Eric and his character Greg.

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Thanks, I found the thread. Don't know how I missed it before.

:lol: I love the look on Greg's face in that cap. Do you know what ep that was from and what they were looking at that caused that kind of look from him? :lol:
That is from season 6-Gumdrops, when they discover the pot plants. :lol: His reaction was funny and what the writers/directors said about Eric's reaction in the commentary was funny too.
That's the ep where the little girl was missing and Nick wouldn't give up on finding her, right?

I don't have Seasons 6 and 7 on DVD yet only 1-5. 6 and 7 haven't gone on sale yet. I got seasons 1-5 when only season 1 was on sale, but the store's ad said "all seasons" (a typo), so they had to sale all of them for the cheaper price. :lol: Lucky break, I guess. I wish 6 and 7 would go on sale for twenty bucks. I can't afford the 50 or 60 bucks they are normally or even 40. :lol:
Loved the Rashomama caps, its one of my favorite episodes. Greg was so funny in it and so hot too!
It was on the DVD for Season 6. I love the DVD's for the commentaries.

Did you see that in audio commentaries of the ep? Because my DVD's are region 4 and dont have it.:(

Wojo, I simply love Rashomama. It's my favorite one. Greg is especially cute and hot in this ep and I love the interaction of the team. He´s really a part of the team in this ep.
Yeah they are Region 1, the ones released here in the US. I love the commentaries on episodes usually. For season 7 most were boring to be except for Lab Rats.

Yeah Rashomama is one of my favorites too. Another one of my faves, Kiss kiss, Bye bye!
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