Dizzney Moderately Insane Moderator Jan 4, 2012 #976 okay more pics from GD ohhh yumm those eyes the crew neat shot he's watching us again
sharp52092 Star Wars and CSI Fan Moderator Jan 4, 2012 #977 Totally in ageement on the eyes :thumbsup:
Dizzney Moderately Insane Moderator Jan 5, 2012 #978 Okay more pictures... one two three four five six
Dizzney Moderately Insane Moderator Jan 5, 2012 #980 Thanks...how about more pics. seven eight-arching brows unarched brows arched again close up shot curious look
Thanks...how about more pics. seven eight-arching brows unarched brows arched again close up shot curious look
Dizzney Moderately Insane Moderator Jan 5, 2012 #982 Let's not be greedy now. getting down and dirty back in the DNA trenches with Henry working hard for results
Let's not be greedy now. getting down and dirty back in the DNA trenches with Henry working hard for results
Dizzney Moderately Insane Moderator Jan 6, 2012 #984 I will provide more caps now. Henry and Greg- Greg only love how expressive he can be with his eyes close up going to DB results
I will provide more caps now. Henry and Greg- Greg only love how expressive he can be with his eyes close up going to DB results
Dizzney Moderately Insane Moderator Jan 6, 2012 #986 Yes it is coming close to the end of these pics....finally. more pics close ups such big eyes you have so yummy so expressive
Yes it is coming close to the end of these pics....finally. more pics close ups such big eyes you have so yummy so expressive
Dizzney Moderately Insane Moderator Jan 6, 2012 #988 Oh we are, aren't we? Nice. more expressive drilling suspect Mr. Serious or not just Greg http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z159/wildbehr/Greg/s12/gd322.jpg
Oh we are, aren't we? Nice. more expressive drilling suspect Mr. Serious or not just Greg http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z159/wildbehr/Greg/s12/gd322.jpg
Dizzney Moderately Insane Moderator Jan 6, 2012 #990 Yes, cool. I'm posting only one more set for tonight. one two three four five six I like this one