Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #12

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How lovely to come home from a day of baking cookies with my sister and neice to find this fine looking fella on my doorstep! Thanks CazzBlade!

Awesome new episode caps there Dizzney! Thanks for sharing!

And now for my very favorite of Greg and Nick/Eric and George! I love The Love! :lol:

12 in about 21 hours.

Great caps and themes everyone! I'll play again someday once the plague has left my household or my kids grow up and move out taking it with them. Whichever comes first. :)
Well, it has been awesome having an extra hour with our guy:), but it is time for him to move on!

Due to a sudden onset of overwhelming sleepiness, I will cut to the chase and congratulate Wojo for winning with this picture from A La Cart! Nice one with cool soft sunlight from one of the best The Love episodes! Enjoy your Greg time!

Thank you gregfan! I welcome Greg back with open arms.

Next theme: How bout evidence, looking at evidence... up to 12 in 24.
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