Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #11

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I'm giving Greg away early today as my internet went down last night and as of this morning it still wasn't working. There's no guarantee it'll be up by the time I get home, so...much to my dismay, I've had to kick my guest out the door. :(

But, the pics you all posted were sooooo droolicious it does make up for it!!

Wojo Gaaaah! Lovely pic!! I love it for so many reasons!
gregfan3 my jaw dropped. Fabulous droolworthy pic!
LionsHeart, you know I love the hand porn right? And the hair? Of course you do!

That makes the winner Dizzney because of this pic which I adore, and this one which has always instantly made me smile whenever I see it.

So enjoy your bonus time Dizzney!! :D Make the most of it ;)
Congratulations, Dizzney! How will you spend your extra time?!:lol:

egeria- I am glad you liked that picture:)!

Have a wonderful night, my fellow Greg fans!
Wow, what a surprise I had when this guy actually came to visit me at work and gave me an early bday present. :lol:

Well for the next theme, let's try pics of Greg/Eric laughing or almost laughing, inspired by one of my winning pics. this one
I like this theme, Dizzney!

Congratulations on your graduation, sharp:)! Way to go!!

Our man laughing or almost laughing, coming right up:


I am hoping that I can post some pics when I get back at 4 ish but I had my birthday on Sunday then we found out that we were getting a dog (were going to call him grissom... I wanted to call him dax :D) I'm liking the theme by the way!
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