Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #11

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Well I spent a lovely day with this guy, but now is time for him to move on.

Runners up time...
Wojo, with So that's where they keep the toilet paper!:lol:

Leggo my Jodieo, with ECKLIE!!

sharp, cute caption for this.

egeria, I really liked the one you PM'd me. :devil:

But the winner actually had a couple funny ones, but wins with Saw the whole thing, dude. First you were all like "whoa", and we were like "whoa", and you were like "whoa..." Gotta love a Disney reference especially when it comes to Crush and Greg! Congrats AmericanHoney!
Yay! Awesome! Thank you!! I loved doing those.

Hmm....let's about your choice of porn. Arm, neck, hands, whatever you feel like. :D
Congratulations, AmericanHoney!

I just got home from spending the day with my sister and decided to check in here before getting some sleep. I think it would tickle Eric to know that he has such funny fans:)! You are all very creative, I love reading the captions! Must admit, I am very curious about the pm'd one:lol:!
Anyway, just wanted to check something about our new theme, is there such a thing as hair porn? Just want to be sure before I post my pictures after work tomorrow.

Have a great week, funny ladies!
Congratulations, AmericanHoney!

I just got home from spending the day with my sister and decided to check in here before getting some sleep. I think it would tickle Eric to know that he has such funny fans:)! You are all very creative, I love reading the captions! Must admit, I am very curious about the pm'd one:lol:!
Anyway, just wanted to check something about our new theme, is there such a thing as hair porn? Just want to be sure before I post my pictures after work tomorrow.

Have a great week, funny ladies!

Considering how much great hairstyles Eric's had, I think there can be hair porn too. And I have to say I'm interested about that pm'd one too!

My first set of Greg porn(Now there's a sentence I'd never thought I'd write):
Neck porn
Arm porn
Skin porn
Arm porn 2
Arm porn 3
Arm porn 4
Can you tell it that I like his arms?:lol:
Anyway, just wanted to check something about our new theme, is there such a thing as hair porn? Just want to be sure before I post my pictures after work tomorrow.

I think pretty much anything can be counted as porn :lol:. Go for it!

My first set is....light porn. :adore: Sometimes the way the light hits his face it's just...:adore:. As I was looking for my favourites, I started thinking about songs about light so that explains the captions.

Come On Baby, Light My Fire
You Light Up My Life
Leave the Light On
Here Comes the Sun
Ultra Violet (Light My Way)
Ray of Light :adore:
Ladies, I'm headed for bed now and I must say I am gonna have sweet sweet dreams thanks to your sets!! :drool:

Thank you American Honey for picking such a great theme :thumbsup:
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