Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #11

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Thanks, sharp! How nice to see this honey on a beautiful Saturday!

Our new theme? How about, one of my favorite themes, some Greg and Nick/Eric and George?

12 in 28:)
Wowza, so nice to see so many Greg fans posting pictures today/yesterday! And boy, oh boy, what a tough choice to make from so many awesome caps! All were yummy, but here goes:

Our awesome runners up:

sharp- he just is too kissable there!
Dizzney- Never saw this one before, nice!
Wojo- Love their facial expressions, priceless!
LionsHeart- Very cool shot!

And our winner, egeria with an awesome shot of our boys from A La Cart...I am always a sucker for caps from that particular episode! Most of your caps were new to me, and I enjoyed every one, so thanks for sharing! I am sorry about your computer, I've been there, too:(.

Enjoy your Greg time, egeria!
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