Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

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Ok since the drool thread has turned into more of a disscussion thread us posters were complaining about the lack of hotness. So here is a place where you can post your favorite pics.

This thread is dedicated to Greg/Eric Pictures and Picture discussions, of a Handsome and beloved actor/character.

Please remember the rules of picture threads.
**Pictures Max Size 400 x 400.
**If they are bigger use the "URL" Code.

Pictures per post:
1 large (400x400) or
2 medium (130x130) or
3 small (115x115)

URL Links: try not to do over 6 in one post please and when you do them (if your using the UBB Code box) paste in the addy you have then, when it asks for a name PLEASE do not paste the address in again.
But rather give it a name like "Cutie Pie". The reason we suggest that is because the addresses are sometimes so long it stretches the screen.

please keep "wallpapers and manipulated Pictures" in the "Art Forum" and just link your thread for viewing.

Please remember that "Hotlinking" is not allowed at any point, and will be edited, hotlinking is: when you link a picture to be viewed from a site that you do not own or operate. If you wish to have a picture viewed that belong to another site use the URL Link.

Adding in this reminder, there is the "Adult content" rule please don't violate it.

Otherwise have fun.
First thread can be found HERE
Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!

Wojo (that's me) has made some icons:




Happy thread number 2 everyone! :lol:
Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!

Don't know if these have been posted, so I thought I'd share :D

A few more from the event can be found at this site. They're listed as 'Jonathan Togo' though :lol: Personally, I don't see the resembelence, but hey, what can ya do. :p
Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!

Nice and thanks! The first pic he looks so sad, probably thinking. "This is the season finale and all I get is one lousey scene!" :lol: :lol:
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