Eric/Greg: Pic Thread 3--This Guy's Too Hot!

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iluvEricSzmanda said:
What can i say?

That's so great. It's one of my fave styles. :D

One of the best screencaps of all tim

Now... that's awesome! I've already seen so many caps of that episode but.. that pic is totally new to me!! :eek:

Guess what? Today.. I almost had the same Greggo hairstyle as he had in 'Iced'. And I didn't even need any styling products. The wind styled my hair. And I also have some blond higlights left in my hair. I was like:"Wow... now that style is great!"
It's been like this style but only longer, cause my hair is a bit longer all around.^^
I'm thinking about get my hair cut so I can create as many Greg-styles as possible. My mum now tells me since 4 weeks to let my hair cut. :rolleyes: :lol:
That is one of my fave pics of Greg, in fact I have it up on my bedroom wall. I loved Iced, one of my fave eps too.
This thread has been sent by the angels of Lucifer to tempt me into kidnapping Eric!!!!

iluvEricSzmanda, that one arm porn got me blushing. Man, Greg and I have something in common! We're both Rock Music fans!

Yurek, that pic of Greg behind the dumpster is one of my all time faves!!!

Even Greg has a crush

I like that pic ^. Why? Imagine HE has a crush on you, you're just unaware, and after a small moment between you, that's how he reacts when you leave the room. :devil:
That's cool. That pic is from a dinner/cooking party that Eric threw at his home. He looks fine!
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