Eric/Greg: Pic Thread 3--This Guy's Too Hot!

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that it was i meant dizz..
it was nice to see him standing up to hodges and getting the last word....
it was about time
*thud* Brassy faints at the sight of al these Greg pics! My favorite episode with him was "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang"
hmm, me thinks brassy be in the wrong place? :p :D

hmm, brassy has edited now :D :lol: :D
how can you mistake greggo for nick? :eek: :p :lol:
oh just a slip of the mind....momentarily! Boy you are fast, I went right back in and edited it quickly....or so I thought. Oh well.....I still think little Greggo is just as cute as a button. :D
You might want to edit again, it's actully Kiss kiss bye bye (kiss kiss bang bang was the name of a movie-that's what they spoofed the title from) LOL

pic from KKBB:


What an adorable smile our Greggo has!! :)
csimonkey said:
just a thought - where is Yurek? she hasn't been on for ages and she hasn't replies to my pms so she hasn't even been on the forum at all :(
she makes me laugh :p
looking for Yurek! :p

I'm here!! And I'm back!! *yay*

Great pic. ^^ :D

I couldn't come online, because our PC has been repaired. We just got it back this morning. So...I can come online again! *jumps around*

Great 'Lab Rats' pics, Wojo!

They brighten up my evening! I can't wait to see s7. I think it'll be shown here next year. :(So long to wait....

But we got pics. *yippie*
hellllooo my fellow greggo lovers

Love all the pics they're great really made me smile (can only come online now and again at the moment with exams round the corner grrrr) i especially love that kisskiss byebye pic from Wojo its LUSH *faints*

Actually speaking of exams I have my drama practical coming up and I play a Welsh girl in World War Two who is i love with an American soilder called .... Greg, no joke !!! Its brillient, and I have a big long silliloqy about how much I love him so I think i'll get my mates to hold up some pics og Greg at the back of the hall on the night so that I can can all lovey dovey :D

Just watched the net so thought id put this on here

Aint he adorable :)
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