Guybrush Threepwood
CSI Level One
I laughed at that too. The CSI people just don't pick the right mates. :lol:
I was glad to see him say this too. I agree with him 100%. I've always hated when people say they wish lab rat Greg was back. People grow up and mature, especially if you have a career like that. Heck in my line of work which is pretty much customer service, over the years in dealing with people, I've become more cynical. It is just part of maturing.Szmanda: I think Greg is growing up; I’ve been on the show for thirteen years, and I think at that time I was a little bit immature and a bit sillier. To grow up and–whatever–change, I think it was just a natural progression for the character and me as an actor. I can’t do the same old shtick for thirteen years.
I think the show would be a lot worse if none of the characters matured. Just like with people in real life, characters in shows mature, change, grow up, etc. Although I agree that Greg was always at his funniest when he was the goof in the lab, it would have gotten ridiculously redundant for him to stay exactly the same for 13 years. It just would have made it seem as if he has some sort of mental issues which prevents him from maturing, ever. :shifty: