Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #16

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So there is a little glimpse of Greg in a spoiler picture from a future episode.
He is holding a gun again. I really hate that he is suddenly handling a gun with no explanation of why he has started carrying on occasion, not even regularly.

I still want to see where he lives, gosh darn it.
So there is a little glimpse of Greg in a spoiler picture from a future episode.
He is holding a gun again. I really hate that he is suddenly handling a gun with no explanation of why he has started carrying on occasion, not even regularly.

I still want to see where he lives, gosh darn it.

I saw that photo. I think it could potentially become it's own porn if there were more of it. :adore: Rawr. :lol:

Is this week going slow for anyone else? I don't really watch the reruns if I've already saw it the first time so I've been really needing a new one.

Any good prior Greg seasons I should look into? I have 1-3 and 5 and 10. Maybe I'll hook myself up for Valentine's Day. :D
Seasons 6 and 7 are great ones for Greg I think.

I'm kind of disappointed in those new pictures though; after that FB page that Dizzney mentioned said he wasn't going to shave until after the Superbowl, I sort of expected him to have a full beard by now. :)

I like seeing him with a gun though. Pretty hot!
Yeah season 6 and 7 have some really good Greg episodes but then there are some eps where he is hardly in them at all. Season 6 has some classics like Kiss, Kiss, Bye, Bye; Rashomama and Spellbound, all 3 great Greg episodes. Then in season 7 you have his arc starting with Fannysmackin', Post Mortem, and Big Shots. Plus there are a few others that are just good with him in that season.

It would be interesting to see him grow a beard, but if that really is him, he was probably joking around.

He does look hot in that photo. I wouldn't mind seeing him carry a gun if they just said why he is now, since we know he never has or wanted to before. I can understand with today's issues with a lot of real life cops being killed on duty (several here locally, recently), them having him arm himself just for his own protection on the job.
Hey guys...please remember, anything pertaining to spoilers or spoiler pics should stay in those threads please. It may seem like a minor thing to you, but to respect those who do not want to know spoilers, certain areas of the board are to remain spoiler-free unless tags are used. Thanks for your cooperation! :)
Since Eric is a Green Bay fan that puts me and him at odds, because I am a Steeler fan!! :lol::lol:

Since Eric is a Green Bay fan that puts me and him at odds, because I am a Steeler fan!! :lol::lol:


You did not just write that. :lol:

I just spent $30 on two child size Packers tee shirts because we don't have any and my kids wanted them for school. I think we know who's crazy now. :lol:
So there is a little glimpse of Greg in a spoiler picture from a future episode.
He is holding a gun again. I really hate that he is suddenly handling a gun with no explanation of why he has started carrying on occasion, not even regularly.

Maybe after he got shot at in A Kiss Before Frying he's decided to start carrying

Is this week going slow for anyone else? I don't really watch the reruns if I've already saw it the first time so I've been really needing a new one.

Any good prior Greg seasons I should look into? I have 1-3 and 5 and 10. Maybe I'll hook myself up for Valentine's Day. :D

Yeah it's been slow, I haven't gone to school or even been out of the house all week,

Season 5 is also a good one, Greg had a lot going on in that season, all the episodes building up to him becoming a CSI and then it finally happens in Who Shot Sherlock, then there's Spark of Life, Iced, 4x4, etc

I'm kind of disappointed in those new pictures though; after that FB page that Dizzney mentioned said he wasn't going to shave until after the Superbowl, I sort of expected him to have a full beard by now. :)

A bread!? Is Greg is becoming Grissom!!

Since Eric is a Green Bay fan that puts me and him at odds, because I am a Steeler fan!! :lol::lol:


Well Eric is from Wisconsin where the Packers are from, so that makes sense that he's a Packers fan :)
Since Eric is a Green Bay fan that puts me and him at odds, because I am a Steeler fan!! :lol::lol:


Well Eric is from Wisconsin where the Packers are from, so that makes sense that he's a Packers fan :)

Your right it makes perfect sense, I am from PA so I grew up a Steeler fan. :) A sporting rivery is not going to change any love I have for Eric, its cool.
Hopefully there's an explanation for that pic during the ep, I'll be disappointed if it's just passed over.

I assume you lot are talking about American football? I'm a Steelers fan, but over here they're an ice hockey team :p
I wouldn't count on an explanation, CSI is not very good at that. And yes we are talking about American Football.
Totally loving the Gun!Porn! I'd like an explanation for it too, but it's hard to really think about that while I'm staring at him.... looking such a way--- :drool:
Well last night's episode sucked for Greg time. He was on like only 2 minutes worth. I'll accept it this week since he was so front and center last time but it better not be that bad again next week. I just fear the season 7 pattern and at least then he had an actual storyline arc which gave him a few more episodes of good screen time. But a lot of eps he was in very little.

Personally I think they missed the ball in not having at least one scene with Greg and Sara talking about everything that was going on with her. They've always been good friends and he's been there for her to talk to before.
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