Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #16

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Wait... 73 Seconds re-aired tonight? Darnit all! My Direct box said it was Fracked. I would have watched 73 Seconds again if I had known it was on LOL.
I thought Fracked was on too so I missed seeing 73 seconds again. :(
It would be cool to see Greg's family as long as its not due to tragic circumstances.
Hmm after reading 73S review I am confused because I can't tell if I've seen it or it was just my imagination kicking in while reading. I guess the latter.
So I defo must watch it.
Well the reason I popped in was a question.
Please tell me which episodes consisted most of Greg since CSI Down. I'm kinda behind in episodes and since my friend promised a meeting with her pc I was wondering which episodes are watch worthy and with acceptable amount of Greg.
Well Brain Doe was not bad and Crime After Crime had a lot of Greg in it too. Freaks and Geeks was a bit weak with him in it.
Me three :)! I wonder which episode it's going to be from.

I believe it's Marg's final ep Willows in the Wind :( I can't believe it's coming :eek:

I'm still not ready :(

I know!! me either :(:(! Even if her exit turns out to be really good, I'm still going to miss Cath :(.

I know, I'm hoping to watch some more of her episodes and favorite scenes with Greg and such, though I probably won't be able to until Xmas break in a few weeks

One of my favorite Cath/Greg scenes is in AKBF at the end :) what about the rest of you?
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