Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

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Thanks for the video, Egeria. Eric looked awesome, I love his voice. I also looked at the other vids of him, and thought the same thing about all the photographers yelling his name to look in different directions. I'd go mad. Now I see why sometimes the actors are caught making funny faces, cause they are being confused and probably getting a headache.
Eric's voice sends shivers up my spine!

Monte Carlo opening ceremony is tonight, no pics of Eric yet that I can see. Here's hoping!!

ETA: Eric arrives tomorrow :D

How's your French?! This blog is posting pics and vids from the Festival. It's where I learned Eric is arriving tomorrow. Worth keeping an eye on!
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Hi everyone !
I know you're all buzing about season 9 but there is part in season 7 that still troubles me. Since Greg is my favourite TV character of all times, you can just imagine what the episode 'fannysmackin' did to me. :(

The thing that bothers me in the Demetrius James case is that the CSI's have been lazy , yes lazy. I mean like common, they could have easily proved that the guy was a killer : make his teammates testify against him, mention that he was dressed up with the excat same jacket as the others let alone the contact lences, or even better collect the victim blood on his clothes and shoes. Isn't that enough incriminating ? no they just made everything go wrong for my poor Greggo and the episode in the court room was even harder to watch than the beating because in the later he was saving an innocent man's life but in the first he was being almost charged with the killer's death.

Anyways I'm happy now to see him become a CSI 3 :thumbsup:
But what do you think about what i said on the Demitrius James Case ?

(by the way, excuse my lame english, i'm frensh ;))
Hey SuckerMe, thanks for joining us! Be sure to stop over in the Szmokin' thread for pics of our yummy guy!

Regarding the Demetrius James case, I don't think the question was ever 'was Demetrius James innocent'. I think the question was 'did Greg do the right thing at the time'. Was there another way he could have stopped the beating? Did he have to run Demetrius over?

That's the question they had to answer in court, and the premise was always that Demetrius James had been caught in the act of a violent crime.

The story arc is always hard from me to watch, I feel so badly for Greg and how everything just went so wrong for him. I'm really really glad he finally had his say with Mrs. James, he'd been bottling it up for so long.
I came across this video of Eric on the Early Show that was back in 2005. I don't know if anyone's seen it or not but here it is :)
I've seen that interview quite some times, he's just adorable and I love his voice and dark hair. And how cute was it when he wished his great-grandma a happy birthday. He seems like such a sweet and modest guy. :)
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Not anything new yet but thanks for all the links guys!

I remember i had tried to watch that Early Show video long long time ago but the video was broken i guess or my computer was, maybe i was broken ... Now it is working :D Maybe next season he should turn back to his natural hair color , he looks gorgeus.

And welcome SuckerMe. About the DJ case, killer or not, a civil died and that's a standart procedure if i am not wrong. Actually i like that story , i thinkg it was told in a realistic way... Greg made a decision , took the risk and( i am proud) and almost died but saved a life unfortunateley killing another. Everything happened just in a few minutes. DJ family acted emotional to affect people. It breaks my heart when Greg said to his lawyer he was ok with the ''excusable'' thing... something... i can't remember the word, blame the hot weather :guffaw:.

Anyway before melting it is better to go for me , hoping new interviews and pictures and articles from the festival...
Welcome SuckerMe - About the DJ case, IMO I don't think the CSI's were lazy, in fact it was Warrick and Nick recreating the incident in the alley that helped get Greg the verdict he got. But I agree both FannySmackin and Post Mortum were hard to watch both for different reasons. Seeing Greg beaten still makes me cringe when I watch it. PM just makes me angry so I don't re-watch it much.

My problem with the whole thing is that it should have stopped after PM, instead of that stupid civil case they could have done so much more with Greg's character. Like him having to decide whether or not to carry a gun or his guilt over killing someone.
Eric's voice sends shivers up my spine!

Monte Carlo opening ceremony is tonight, no pics of Eric yet that I can see. Here's hoping!!

ETA: Eric arrives tomorrow :D

How's your French?! This blog is posting pics and vids from the Festival. It's where I learned Eric is arriving tomorrow. Worth keeping an eye on!

Hi i have to agree with you , he has a very nice voice :)
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Greg said to his lawyer he was ok with the ''excusable'' thing... something... i can't remember the word, blame the hot weather :guffaw:.

I watched it in Frensh, so I can't help you here :confused:
but if it was established that DJ was a murderer so why was the mother pointing out that he was great at university and was actually saving the guy not killing him and the jury was listening carefully ? :wtf:
You know what ? don't answer that, let's just forget it.

For Ankeila, yes he's such a modest and almost shy person in real life wich makes him even cuter and sexier :drool:

And thanks everybody for the warm Welcome :)
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Greg said to his lawyer he was ok with the ''excusable'' thing... something... i can't remember the word, blame the hot weather :guffaw:.

I watched it in Frensh, so I can't help you here :confused:
but if it was established that DJ was a murderer so why was the mother pointing out that he was great at university and was actually saving the guy not killing him and the jury was listening carefully ? :wtf:
You know what ? don't answer that, let's just forget it.

For Ankeila, yes he's such a modest and almost shy person in real life wich makes even cutter and sexier :drool:

And thanks everybody for the warm Welcome :)

Hi SuckerMe , i have to agree with you , he is very cute :drool:
I've been posting at that French blog, they just told me they have a one-on-one interview with Eric tomorrow :thumbsup:
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