CSI Level Three
I worry about perspective E/C in light of L/D in CSI NY will be together and with a child. Considering dislike of writers to relations in CSI in general, I am afraid that they'll count that enough for all three CSI's and let us epty-handed as a result.
May be it's absurd but they often spoke about "not musical bed" for this show.
Ya know IDK how much, if at all, it will affect E/C. All three shows have and probably always will be totally independent of each other. And the writers seem to be excited about the prospect of including the baby in NY and the type of drama and angst it could/will who knows, it could spell good things for E/C. If the "baby" gets good reviews, is received right by the fans and is handled right then E/C could be sped up and they could get together sooner than planned.
I don't think it will impact it negatively. Like I said, all three shows have always been independent of eachother in their writing styles, directors, producers etc; it is what makes each spin off, and the original so different. So if the writers for Miami were to get "turned off" on E/C b/c of what is going on with D/L then it would mean that the shows are, in a way, converging in a sense that the whole franchise would be turned off to relationships and I don't see that happening. The writers for Miami have to do what is best for Miami and if that means getting E/C together, which most of us think it is, then they will continue with it. And as of right now, they are, apparently, very interested in the E/C relationship. I don't think that will change.
What I think the Miami writers will get the chance to see is how a relationship, a deeply connected one obviously b/c of the baby but a stready relationship none the less, could open up doors for the possibility of a long term relationship between two main characters and the storylines that would be created out of it; ie angst, balancing of relationship and work etc.
I think writers of shows, in general have always been afraid to get main characters into long term or deep realtionships b/c they fear it will make the characters stagnet and boring. However, we have already seen with E/C, with their emotional struggle of 'should we or shouldn't we' and angst the mere idea of them getting together has created. If handled correctly, it could only get better from there. And the fact that they don't throw it in our faces every ep also lends to the idea that a long term relationship could work. It wouldn't have to be mentioned or seen every ep for us to know that they are together. Seeing an intimate moment every 3rd or 4th ep would work and show, so to speak, the love.
Yup, I am staying positive