Eric & Calleigh #31 - A Vote For E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric!

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Hey delkolover, put a bug in Cory's brain and tell him we all want to see Calleigh's Tatoo! Maybe he'll give us something in an eppi. about it. He also needs to strip these two down for us! (Can we say Naked butt scene! Eric's perferably!) We Need some Skin!
Hey delkolover, put a bug in Cory's brain and tell him we all want to see Calleigh's Tatoo! Maybe he'll give us something in an eppi. about it. He also needs to strip these two down for us! (Can we say Naked butt scene! Eric's perferably!) We Need some Skin!


I will make the suggestion to him in the next email I send him ;)
Hey delkolover, put a bug in Cory's brain and tell him we all want to see Calleigh's Tatoo! Maybe he'll give us something in an eppi. about it. He also needs to strip these two down for us! (Can we say Naked butt scene! Eric's perferably!) We Need some Skin!


I will make the suggestion to him in the next email I send him ;)

Hmmm, well, we can only hope. :p

I can't wait for next weeks episode. Calleigh's reaction to the witness dying combined with her concern over Eric being buried in debris. Of course we'll have more Ho drama. It wouldn't be Miami without that...:rolleyes:
Hey delkolover, put a bug in Cory's brain and tell him we all want to see Calleigh's Tatoo! Maybe he'll give us something in an eppi. about it. He also needs to strip these two down for us! (Can we say Naked butt scene! Eric's perferably!) We Need some Skin!


I will make the suggestion to him in the next email I send him ;)

Hmmm, well, we can only hope. :p

I can't wait for next weeks episode. Calleigh's reaction to the witness dying combined with her concern over Eric being buried in debris. Of course we'll have more Ho drama. It wouldn't be Miami without that...:rolleyes:

No it wouldn't but to be honest I could do without it! :rolleyes: It is getting to be over the top now and IMO it only hurts the show.

ANYWAY....I think we can expect some major Calleigh emotions in this ep. How can we now with everything that seemingly happens? And that is only the frickin promo!! :lol:
I think we may come to a mutial agreemwnt some what on feelings for eachother in this eppi., but they could end up leaving with eachother at the end of the eppi. just to make us guess! Still makes me want to know why Eric ends up in the motel later on? Maybe he goes UC to catch the Russian mobe guy? Maybe he finds out about his family not being what he thought and he is hiding from them?

I still think the Russian guy is going to end up being part of his family, or maybe his Dad isn't his real dad. Something big is going to happen, Calleigh will be the only one who can help him! Write it down and take it to the bank people! Its about to hit the fan!!!
OMG! I can't WAIT til mext Monday. Wait, after Monday is Tuesday.:( Maybe I can wait. :rolleyes: But I'm still soooooooooo excited! This looks like an emotional roller coaster ride, which means plenty of E/C! Don't you hate it that in order to get some good moments usually Eric and/or Calleigh have to be in danger? Maybe not all the time, but most of the time?
These are old but so cute. Don't know exactly where they were taken. I especially love the first one.:adore: Now if we could only get a scene in the show where they were close like that :). I'm really wishing for a hug (not like in SYG, but a frontal I thought you were going to die hug) in next week's episode. I know it's a long shot and that we probably would have promo pics, but one can wish.


I know Emely is a decorater, but sometimes I wonder about her tast in Clothes! I have seen her wear the frumpest stuff in interviews and events. Some of it makes her look to old or something. She is my age and if I looked as good as she does I would show it of a little more and not cover it up. I wonder why we don't ever have any skin shots with the actors, because lets face it is Miami, the Sun, fun, and land of the half naked beautiful people. When never see them in much other than halter tops and full diving suits. We should be having great night life scenes & great beach scenes where the actors are taken there clothes of and having a little fun ever now and then.
I'm watching Dispo Day, and I think it is so funny when Eric and Calleigh are talking about the polygraph exam and he tells her that he always feels guilty because he's Catholic. It's a cute moment between the two of them.

I'm watching Dispo Day, and I think it is so funny when Eric and Calleigh are talking about the polygraph exam and he tells her that he always feels guilty because he's Catholic. It's a cute moment between the two of them.


How great is that episode? I love it when Calleigh gets dosed with cocaine then she has to do the polygraph test.. it shouldn't be funny, but it's hilarious. But yes, that is a cute scene with Calleigh and Eric when they're in the breakroom and he says he always feels guilty.

Actually..most scenes with Calleigh and Eric in seasons 1-3 are adorable. I miss how things use to be in the older episodes. They were all happier. BUT back in the earlier seaons.. we didn't have the romance thing going on with Eric and Calleigh, and though it's taking forever for them to get together, a little romance is better than absolutely none.
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