Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

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Alright!! Who totally fell on the floor and died when Eric went all macho and sexy and "you hurt my girl, I KILL YOU!!!" on Cooper?! God. :drool: Throwing Cooper on the floor, growling...oh my God. How can Calleigh not swoon everytime Eric walks by her after that? *dies* :D That man...he's totally smitten. No, he's totally in love with her. Eric didn't react nearly like that during the Hank Kerner thing, or the Hagen thing, etc. Maybe Calleigh should get kidnapped every episode, if it means Eric can react like that, but that's just me. Or better yet, maybe Calleigh should show her appreciation for Eric caring so deeply about her. :devil: ;)

Oh, believe me, I saw it!

So we got what, like two minutes total with Eric tonight? What was that all about? And that whole Calleigh finding that paper? No follow through whatsoever. That's crap. HOWEVER!!!!!!!!!!! OH. MY. GOODNESS! Did you hear the way he pounded on Cooper's door? He BROKE it down! Guys, he was sooooooooooooooooooooooo pissed! He threw the little punk on the floor, and I think for the first time in a long time, Cooper was actually a bit scared! Eric took Cooper down for Calleigh!!! Oh, I just can't stop saying it! Gosh, that makes my heart so happy. Plus, like Jessica said, it was totally hot!:drool: It totally made up for the lack of Eric in the ep....though it didn't make up for the fact that 90% of the ep showed Horatio....argh!
Valera is BACK! She and Ryan were matching, but then again, almost everyone was wearing yellow. Valera had better be in tomorrow's episode or I'll start a fuckin' bloodbath. This episode has kind of renewed my faith in CSI: Miami altogether. :D

I was so excited to see Valera back, and she was the cutest, as always. My inner RV did a little flip-flop, too, even if Ryan was being an ass to Calleigh like the entire episode. "Did you remember to take off the lens cap?" Wow. Did you remember to take off the wrapping when you pushed that tampon up your butt?
So I was able to ignore the H drama this episode, because I had a nice EC porno going through my head the whole time. I hope Calleigh gets to confront Eric about the slip of paper he accidentally dropped at the scene, but that can come after the rescue sex.
Yeah...he was a bit of a jerk to Calleigh. I mean, it's nice to know he's confident in his stuff, but seriously, how long has she been doing this? In the end, arrogance bit him in the butt, and it'll all be okay

So...we get another ep tomorrow night...who switched her work schedule to watch it? Oh, I did. Oh, it's gonna be so good.
**raises hand**

Yes Valera is back...actually most of them are back which surprised me! Valera, Cooper, Yelina? Whatever happened to Sam? Anyhow, when Eric kicked down that door, he really meant business! The man is so in love!!! I need a man like that to protect me! EC really needs to get it on tomorrow when all the rescuing is done! I still can't get over Eric threatening Cooper for Calleigh! Oh my!!! Somebody has to get this scene on youtube :D

I made sure I was not going to work for this ep and tomorrow night! I haven't been this giddy in like forever!
I was also pleased to see that the only appearance of Jake was of his head caught in a spider web while bleeding from the mouth. I apologize, I know some of you really like Jake, but I'm just sayin' that I wasn't too broken up about his absence. ;)

And about Horatio working in the lab... WTF? :cardie:
He hasn't been in the lab since they harvested his superhero sperm for artificial insemination because like Jacks said, Horatio was definitely spermjacked.

Ahhh, tomorrow cannot come soon enough!
Raises hand!:thumbsup:

I have never been so turned on and loved Eric ever more than I did tonight. I'm soooo happy I taped it. Can watch it over and over again. :devil: As much as I loved Eric going after Cooper, did anyone almost want him to be more aggressive after.

And I know Calleigh is a strong gal and all but I want a little something to happen to her while being kidnapped/held hostage. Nothing too traumatic but enough to make Eric get all angry and go after Cooper again. Does that sound so wrong to want? I used to really like Cooper. Was ticked off at him with the whole stealing Speed's card deal but I'm way past hating him. The only good part out of the the level of stupidity he shows is the HOT Eric moments and what it may lead to. If rescue sex or something just really good I may forgive him.

And the way Ryan was towards Cal, just made me :mad: at him. He really needs to watch his mouth.

And when Cal picked up that piece of paper Eric dropped and showed wahat was written, I had tears in my eyes. It re-interates how he is doing and how I wished thatthey didnt have back as quickly as they did. Without getting into it I have seen what trauma similar to what Eric's character has gone through can do to a person. And while this is tv and anything can happen I wish it was handled differently. I just hope that he has that as a reminder in case he needs it and its not b/c he needs to look at it everytime before going to a crime scene.

*Crosses fingers for E/C goodness in tommorrows epi. and for angry/ threatening Eric to come back again* :devil::drool::drool::drool::devil::thumbsup:;):bolian::devil::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:
Well then, Happy Birthday! Here's another:

Thanks Leela for the clip and pic. I got up a little extra early this morning and watched that part of the episode on the DVR a few times before getting ready for work :drool:. Oh...and um...I'm raising my hand!

Loved Eric's face when he threw Cooper back onto the floor and told him "Something happens to her Cooper and I'm gonna come back here and kill you". Loved it!

Could've done without all the Ho drama. And...did I really hear him almost call Julia "sweetheart" when he was on the cell phone with her?! WTF? Dude...what is it with him?

I really do hope they have Eric & Calleigh talk about the paper Calleigh found. It would be a shame for them to completely drop it. In that scene where Calleigh and Ryan discovered Cooper's website, I loved the look on her face when she realized they had her with that list, for all to see...I think the concern wasn't necessarily for herself, but for Eric and people possibly finding out about his issues.
That_girl1, happy birthday!!!

Leela, is there any chance that you can upload that to youtube, because for some reason, I can`t watch it like this.
Errr... You can't? What doesn't work?
I usually like to host the vids on my server, because YouTube just freaks me out... :(
I've actually uploaded a few more clips HERE, maybe those work for you?
Ok, Eric pushing down the door, threatening Cooper, "anything happens to her"... you guys have said it all, I was just speechless :eek::D:D

What I really liked about the scene when Eric dropped the piece of paper was that when Call noticed it and picked it up she didn't call out for Eric to tell him he dropped something. I mean, she just looked at him and went on to reading the piece of paper... most people would have just seen the paper fall from his pocket and call out to him to tell him he dropped it. She wanted to see what the paper was about, curious Calleigh ;) Am I reading too much into this??

Anyway, I agree that when she told Ryan to move past the list when he mentioned it was in Delko's handwirting it was more to protect Eric from Ryan noticing than to protect herself.

I actually really liked this episode. And I do have to mention: Horatio working in the lab with labcoat and everything!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :cardie:
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