Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Panties

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Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

All I know guys is I am still flying around and haven't come down yet :lol: I am just way too excited to sit still. :lol:
I would absolutely totally combust if she kissed him anywhere!! :D I don't think we will get a kiss but we get the hand holding and God only knows what she is going to do to the guy who shot Eric when they catch him. :devil: I just read a blurb in TV Guide mag and it stated that Horatio would be keeping the bedisde vigil while the rest of the team heads off to get the guy who shot Eric. Although I tend to take TV Guide's blurbs with a grain of salt b/c they tend to be either way on or way off with the episode descriptions. Still I can't frickin wait!! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I was hyper enough, now someone must have spiked my coke. Me neither! I'm gonna have like 100 more posts because of this! (I think delkolover knows but because of all this I've come up with a new Delko thread name. "Creating Hype Around the World!" And it could work for E/Cal. I am such a loser, I have no life, because I'm here at my computer on a beautiful 75 degree LA day. And only you guys could do that to me. :D
No it's OK. I'm just crazy. And hyper.
What if she does kiss him? There's been like no CSI Miami kissing (one time- Delko kissed Marisol as she died, but that's family) Marisol and H never even kissed! What if Cal kisses Eric? Well, it'll be the start of CSIM kissing! I'm so hyper and so excited! That would be so I'm gonna sneak off to post crazily (sorry mods, I'll slow down) on other threads. Excuse me. *sneaks off* :lol:
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I have missed so, much, anyways I saw last night ep, and I was more excited to see the preview for next week!!!! I'm just jumping up and down in my chair, a week seems like a really long time. I think that we'll get some major E\C scences. And the hand thing. . . it's totally Calleighs, I think.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

ok get toally mad at me if you want but i've come down from my high a little, so call this withdrawal...what if in this ordeal Calleigh finds comfort....and dare I say it...Jake's arms? :mad: I know none of us want to think about it but I'm sure I would be phycially ill if that were to happen. Please don't stone me!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I won't. But you burst my bubble.
It's OK. It needed to be burst, my mom was about to call the mental health pro to see if I was high of w/e.
But seriously, what if that happnes? (I don't need a spoiler code cause I didn't say what you said :D)
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Yeah my up chuck reflex would be getting a work out let me tell you! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Omg, everytime there is a new eppy, I am far behind.
I can's wait to see the scene where Eric and Calleigh are in the hospital together!!! I don't know if we'd see a kiss either, but totally something physical. And this promo on the web? I must go check it out!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

delkolover said:
ok get toally mad at me if you want but i've come down from my high a little, so call this withdrawal...what if in this ordeal Calleigh finds comfort....and dare I say it...Jake's arms? :mad: I know none of us want to think about it but I'm sure I would be phycially ill if that were to happen. Please don't stone me!

Stop this! Or am I going to have to spank you? :devil:

I don't think that'll happen. I haven't heard anything about Johnny Whitworth even coming back, and everything in the following episodes we know so far is E/C related. And even if the worse case scenario occured, and it did happen, I could only see it being because Calleigh is so scared of her feelings for Eric (which have revealed themselves even more because of his near-death ordeal) have gotten so strong that she does what she usually does, and runs. Straight into Jake's arms, because that's how she can distance herself farthest for Eric. And even that's good news for us, because it means them showing us that Calleigh does have feelings for Eric. Either way, Jake won't be around long if he comes back. This thing between him and Calleigh isn't very serious, and it won't last very long. Jake's a 'bad boy' after all. He might even hurt her, and then her get to see Eric kick his ass. Don't sweat it ladies. Focus on THE AWESOMENESS OF CALLEIGH'S HANDS!!!! Her is so loving and gentle in that promo. God, I wanna marry that scene already!!

...And even that didn't bring me down from my giddy high. :lol: Is this going to be the new me now? I'm not sure I like it. I'm English, sarcasm is our thing! I honestly don't think I can wait a week. :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Holy shit.

There's hand holding? There's a rosarie? There's... nudity? Well, in Eric's coma I bet there is. This is awesome! But why hasn't anyone posted a picture of it? I wanna see it badly!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Wait- I'm so far behind, I didn't know Eric went into a coma...this is really heating up. And it's only Tuesday. How will we survive?
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

You can say that again!

We can't! It's from the official promo which us on the CBS Miami main page. Go watch it now. Run, Caro, run!

Do CBS put the promos on youtube? 'Cause I could make caps and the avvie from that.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I don't know if he goes into a coma, technically, but it looks like he'll be unconscious most of the episode, so I'm just jumping to conclusions here. This is so awesome. Years of torture were totally worth it.
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

Sorry about splashing the cold water on the high everyone was riding. It was brief moment where my high faded so blame it on withdrawal and depression. :(
if it does happen, I agree that it will only be b/c of Calleigh's strong feelings for Eric and the fact that she would be scared of them. I doubt she has ever truly been in love before and those feelings probably scare the crap out of her. But now worries all, my high is back :D

Ali and I have been throwing some interesting E/C secretly being together scenes around. They are totally juicy! :D Hey Ali, after you spank me, we should totally post some of those scenarios!! :D
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

I was thinking earlier - since Corey said that Eric and Calleigh become closer after this - what if they become closer in that Calleigh becomes a bit too protective of him and his recovery, and this, in turn, causes Jake to walk away? I can imagine a scene in which it's the afternoon and Calleigh and Jake have a date, Calleigh walks into the break room and sees Eric on the couch. She asks him if he's okay and he tells her he has a huge headache and he's been getting a lot of headaches lately. Calleigh sits next to him, puts his head on her lap and gently massages his temples for a long while. Jake walks by, looking for Calleigh, and sees them. THE DRAMA!
Re: Eric & Calleigh #20 -- With Every Fiber... Of Her Pantie

*flails wildly*

If THAT were to happen, I'd think I'd die from it all XD That, in all of it's drama filled yumminess is SO good. Haha, the goodness is almost too much for me to take :(

Delkolover and Ali, I'd kill for those XD :lol: Ok, maybe not really, but I'd like to hear them XD
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