Episode question


Hit and Run
So i was trying to remember what episode has the Second life in it. i love that episode and i wanna try and find it to download it but i cant remmber what it was called!
Okay, I have an episode question. in Manhattan Manhunt when Stella and Horatio walk outside, a guy approches them and wants Horatio to sign something. Then Stella tells him about a union lawyer, and Horatio says its a matter outside the job. What's that all about?
Okay, I have an episode question. in Manhattan Manhunt when Stella and Horatio walk outside, a guy approches them and wants Horatio to sign something. Then Stella tells him about a union lawyer, and Horatio says its a matter outside the job. What's that all about?
I think it was a subpoena for something - I don't think he ever says what it's for.
I am new to the board. I have a question. I saw a clip on you tube it looks like Lindsay and I think Flack interviewing someone and he flips the table overing knocking them over. I know I am not crazy. :confused:
You're not crazy. :)
It was Stella and Flack, and I'm pretty sure it was in season one.
But for the life of me, I cannot remember what episode it was! Sorry.
Hope that helps though. :)
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Okay, I have an episode question. in Manhattan Manhunt when Stella and Horatio walk outside, a guy approches them and wants Horatio to sign something. Then Stella tells him about a union lawyer, and Horatio says its a matter outside the job. What's that all about?
I think it was a subpoena for something - I don't think he ever says what it's for.

It develops further in Miami... it was actually a lawsuit for something he did in NY years ago. I don't remember exactly what it was for, though. :)
In what episode does Danny forget Lindsay's birthday? and also, when does she cut her hair? Does she come into season 4 with short hair?
Yep, Sarah is right (and faster than I was) ;)
Lindsay just came into season four with short hair.
And season four, episode fifteen DOA for a Day is when Danny forgot her birthday.