Episode 9x05 - 'Sleepless in Miami' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Re: Episode 9x06 - 'Sleepless in Miami' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!!! SNEAK PEAK!!! IT'S THE WAREHOUSE SCENE AND WE SEE RYAN TACKLE NATALIA!!!http://www.spoilertv.com/2010/10/csi-miami-episode-905-sleepless-in_29.html

My girl's lost her mind. :lol: Totally loving it.
Me too! I am, like, peeing myself over here. IT LOOKS SO AWESOMEEEE!

but nonetheless a wonderful scene
Seriously! Eva is WORKING it! YOU GET IT, GIRL! :D
Re: Episode 9x06 - 'Sleepless in Miami' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Wow, for some reason, that sneak peek almost made me teary-eyed. :( After Ryan tackles her and she's crying and freaking out while Ryan holds her there like that, I feel so bad for her. :(

Nick (was that him? Didn't look like him to me) looks super freaky, and that tackle did look and sound like it hurt.

I'm super excited for this episode and if the whole thing is anything like what I've seen so far with this sneak peek, the promo, and the behind the scenes stuff, I will be VERY happy. Of course Eva will be great, she's awesome. ^_^ So glad there's finally an episode dedicated to her too, one that seems to be pretty good. (Last time it was just the hearing thing and that wasn't great.) Can't wait! Gonna be a good Halloween. :lol:
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Re: Episode 9x06 - 'Sleepless in Miami' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

It seems like forever since I've been this exited for an episode! To have Eva get a chance to showcase Natalia has been on my wish list for a very long time and I'm thrilled to see it finally happen.

Eva is going to be amazing! The promos and spoilers are evidence that we are in for a real treat and absolutely nothing will stop me from being there for this episode from second it starts to the second it ends.

I have a feeling this one will be a keeper to watch over and over again. :thumbsup:
Re: Episode 9x06 - 'Sleepless in Miami' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

And to make it even better, there is no late football game on the East Coast to cause delays this week. Oh I just remembered, this is the episode where the psychic strokes Ryan's face!
Re: Episode 9x06 - 'Sleepless in Miami' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

I'm super excited about the episode.I haven't felt that way for Miami for years.Eva totally deserves this storyline....I'm ready to see her shine once again...
Re: Episode 9x06 - 'Sleepless in Miami' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

This episode looks so GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really hope there's going to be a Calleigh and Eric scene!!!!!!!!
I know Eric's on one side of Natalia's hospital bed and Calleigh's on the other. Hopefully there's still gonna be a scene of them. Because there is NO way AT ALL that they broke up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Episode 9x06 - 'Sleepless in Miami' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Or maybe Eric will tell Calleigh that almost losing Natalia has made him see how much Nat means to him, and he can't live his life without Nat LOL...:guffaw::lol: Yes, that was a ::BAD:: joke - but hey, they've been doing that for the last two years with Eric and Calleigh - so why not? :lol:

Anyway, this episode looks AWESOME - it's about freakin' time that some of the other Miami characters got the spotlight (and maybe some hospital time). Eva La Rue has really grown on me - when she first started the show I wasn't thrilled with her character, especially when it was revealed that she was the mole. I think I felt like Ryan did about her - but just like Ryan, I've grown to like her and think she's great.

I really like the Ryan/Nat friendship b/c, unlike Eric who can't seem to let anything go w/Ryan, Ryan has really been somewhat of a mentor to Nat, even after he was a big jerk to her in the beginning. Hopefully both Eric and Ryan's relationship will continue to be more amicable, as it has been this year, but I really love the completely platonic friendship between Ryan and Nat - it's really refreshing,and one has to wonder how this episode will affect it. When she learns/remembers she was shooting and Ryan and H, she'll probably take it hard, but I'm sure they both will be there to reassure her.
Re: Episode 9x06 - 'Sleepless in Miami' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Haha! I'm not getting anywhere with any of my fics, maybe I should give that a try? ;) LOL!
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Re: Episode 9x06 - 'Sleepless in Miami' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Or maybe Eric will tell Calleigh that almost losing Natalia has made him see how much Nat means to him, and he can't live his life without Nat LOL...:guffaw::lol: Yes, that was a ::BAD:: joke - but hey, they've been doing that for the last two years with Eric and Calleigh - so why not? :lol:

:guffaw: And then they'll get married, but Eric will realise he really does love Calleigh and they'll go baby-making behind Nat's back and she'll find out and shoot Calleigh and put her in another life-death situation...Ugh, I have to stop there :guffaw:

Anyway, this episode looks AWESOME - it's about freakin' time that some of the other Miami characters got the spotlight (and maybe some hospital time). Eva La Rue has really grown on me - when she first started the show I wasn't thrilled with her character, especially when it was revealed that she was the mole. I think I felt like Ryan did about her - but just like Ryan, I've grown to like her and think she's great.

I really like the Ryan/Nat friendship b/c, unlike Eric who can't seem to let anything go w/Ryan, Ryan has really been somewhat of a mentor to Nat, even after he was a big jerk to her in the beginning. Hopefully both Eric and Ryan's relationship will continue to be more amicable, as it has been this year, but I really love the completely platonic friendship between Ryan and Nat - it's really refreshing,and one has to wonder how this episode will affect it. When she learns/remembers she was shooting and Ryan and H, she'll probably take it hard, but I'm sure they both will be there to reassure her.

I agree, it has been far too long since Natalia got a decent storyline; and I know that Eva will knock it out of the park like she always does :thumbsup:

I love the platonic relationship they have- I definitely wouldn't want it to go further than that (after all, we all know what geniuses tptb are with romance :rolleyes:) but I would love to see their friendship more.

Apparently the episode were filmed out of order so we'll probably not see any repercussions next episode unless its somehow shoehorned in. But enough but that, for once I'm actually gonna go and think positively about an episode for once :eek::p
Re: Episode 9x06 - 'Sleepless in Miami' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Hahahahahahahahahahaha, we should do a forum crack-fic challenge about that!

I also very much prefer their platonic relationship, it's great with some friendship shown plus, Ryan feels like a little boy sometimes so I can't really see that happen ;).

I hope they tie the knot in the end of this episode, like getting some scenes with them H, Ryan and Natalia together, otherwise it will feel so weird in 9.06. But, as long as they do something, shoehorned (that is my new favourite English expression!!!!) or not, I'm going to be happy :).
Re: Episode 9x06 - 'Sleepless in Miami' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

I love the little scream she let out when Ryan tackled her lol.

There appears to be a game on here between 4 and 6 pm, so the show might be delayed where I am. I hope not, but it might be. Good thing I didn't have Halloween plans lol.
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I just realized I didn't accomodate for the episode # switheroo in the thread title. :eek: I've got spacey brains lately. :D Thread title modified. :)

It looks to be an interesting episode--finally Natalia gets to shine!

DeaditeSlayer said:
Good thing I didn't have Halloween plans lol.

Same here! Here's to hoping the ratings don't dwindle too much because of the combination of Halloween and it being Sunday.
This episode is looking good. Love the combo of Ryan/H/Nat. Eva seems to be doing a great job on that clip. Its fab that she is finally getting a cahnce to shine. really looking forward to this one!
So looking forward to this episode! Looks like Eva and Jon are getting some MUCH needed screen time this season. Couldn't be more happier!


And the writing has been so promising. Tonight's seems to be no different!