I liked seeing Joe LaBrock again so it was a pretty decent eppie.
Random Thoughts:
--Not too crazy to read Krystal Houghton wrote this eppie. She has a tendency to add a "Ryan does something dumb" and/or "Ryan doesn't know something fairly obvious" scene like:
1. Ryan waves his hand in front of blind Ben's face.
2. Ryan doesn't know who Will Smith is.
Other than that, Ryan came off pretty well.
--I liked Ben and how he really helped the team. I agree with Witchy Waitress that is was refreshing to see Ben portrayed as strong and not helpless. I also enjoyed he and Natalia bonding.
--Thought LaBrock being out of prison a little far fetched until Eric found the escape route.
--I can see the continuation with next week eppie concerning Marisol's killer.
--Not sure I feel about H threatening Joe but I love his "bring it on" attitude!!
--Another eppie of everyone working with everyone else and good to see Ryan and Horatio team up.
--Enjoyed seeing Ryan carry Lindsey. I think that is the first time for him.
Looking forward to next week.
I did enjoy Ryan's parts last night... I find hard to believe that he doesn't know Will Smith,
I give the epi a A-.