Ah I haven't been here in so long; I've missed it so much. However, I have had no reason to be here with RL as crazy as it is and CSIM lacking- until now.
Not perfect, but one of my favorites. There were many small issues I had with it:
-E/C is not my favorite. Whatever
-Horatio's apparent lack of concern for Calleigh- they used to be so close, I miss it so much
-Ryan's lack of concern- but it's okay because he got angry instead
-Alexx didn't have enough screen time- just because I miss her
But the episode overall was amazing. Finally, some decent writing (I say decent because it seems like so many not-so-popular shows have amazing writing these days, but for Miami, it was freaking fantastic). The scene with Ryan and Cal was cute, but I wish he had visited her. Eric's concern was touching and sweet; when Alexx was stabilizing her and pleading with her to hold on I almost died. One of Emily's best performances to date. I always love her but she really captivated me this time. Every bit of the episode was real, and Emily made it that. The progression of her illness was raw and genuine, and I almost forgot I was watching a TV show. The water was a good idea- for some reason, her coughing in moments where a cough didn't sound right, drinking water, and facial expressions as she became worse and worse made the event that much more believable.
I thought Horatio was better this time. Besides the scene in the hospital, (David- love you, but the scene in the hospital was unconvincing. No concern whatsoever. Gosh, you guys are supposed to be close. Like, Grissom and Cath close, Mac and Stella close. Get that through your head) he was amazing. His closeness with Ryan is really showing; I love how there's some continuity from the undercover death fake scheme, and they have remained close since then. I love how Eric and H work together but Ryan and H are even better in my opinion. Maybe it's because Ryan just fits in with everyone, especially Calleigh and H, but this was so well done. The arm scene: "You've got another one" was great. And his scene with Alexx was touching- it reminded me that Horatio is sort of the lone wolf, and Alexx brought out the family man in him. It was adorable. I miss that Horatio oh-so-much.
Jon was wonderful. His interaction with Calleigh was brilliant, when he was calling for her to jump down from the fire I could see the concern in his eyes. Their teasing is hilarious. I really love them together, and while I can't have my way, I can take every bit of CaRWash I can get- like when he put his arm around her when they stumbled out of the house. Great. His intensity during the case was fantastic- Jon does a great job with playing Ryan, he really stole the show in my opinion (besides Calleigh of course). I've been noticing that as Eric falls deeper in whatever he is in with Calleigh (grr I want CaRWash), Ryan steps into the forefront. He was great with Horatio, ane seems to be maturing even more with every episode. I really love the character he's become, through everything he's gone through. To me, his past makes him that much of a better character. His gambling history and involvement with outside issues makes him realistic, and even more of a hero to me. It shows he's not perfect, but he does the right thing in the end and helps people when they need it, especially his friends. Kudos to Jon. Ryan ROCKS.
It's hard for me to like Miami for the plot, since I've accepted that it's just a bad show with great characters, but this episode shocked me. Kudos to the actors, ALL of them, for a stellar job. I couldn't have asked for more, really.
Does anyone know where I can find some screencaps? Ryan looked hot in both outfits, I NEED caps.