I thought the ep. was OK, but here's the thing — if everything that happened to all the CSIs in the lab could ruin one case, then couldn't they ruin every case? I mean, the website and Cal's kidnapping is public knowledge, Eric's bullet in the head is public knowledge, Ryan getting fired and rehired is public knowledge - so can't this compromise every case? How is H taking down this PI going to help matters? EVERYONE knows this, and any good lawyer would use this all the time. Frankly, the entire team should really be on desk duty, including H.
I think the scene in the locker room between Eric and Cal was sweet - glad they're touching on both their incidents. You have to wonder how "OK" Eric is - I mean, TPTB should never should have written that he got shot in the head b/c his credibility is always going to be questioned now. And then it's going to get old...real fast.
(And of course, no sign of Horatio when Cal — his ACE — gets kicked out of her own fire arms lab by Stetler.
What the hell, folks? :scream: LOVE how H there for everyone else on his team but Cal, yet again.
I'm really sorry to get on this again, guys, but this is sooo absurd. I think this has to do w/the writers than shooting schedules. I mean, if Adam and Emily's schedules don't "mesh" next year, will they just drop their friendship out of the show? :wtf:
:stomps off to watch the REAL Horatio in "Dispo Day":: )
In a nutshell, I don't quite know what to think of this episode. At first, it was kind of interesting - the innocent guy getting shot and swat citing protocol. But then it just became this weird soap opera thing w/ a "mafia" PI guy, an affair and a voice distorter ... I don't know. It was just .. eh. The best parts were when Cal and Eric actually addressed their respective issues. I also liked the scene w/Ryan and Eric - glad that Eric opened up to Ryan and actually told him that it was his fault Cal was taken off the case. Shows he somewhat trusts the guy. But I still don't feel the camaraderie of the team like I used to. It's all paired off and very disjointed.
Overall, I thought the ep. was kind of predictable - especially the end, where H shows up. I definitely saw that coming.
The most interesting part for me, which I didn't see coming, was Eric and Cal going through the PI's things. Cal really scored on that one, didn't she? Dirt on Julia and Ron, and her boss to boot! Definitely a set up for next week - wonder what's on those discs, especially Horatio. Maybe him kicking the crap out of the pedaphile?? Hope Cal takes a listen - I'd like to see what's going on there. And did anyone else think that Cal and Eric were gonna meet up w/Horatio at the end w/the discs and be like, "H, we got trouble." I mean, that would've been cool.
As for the promo -was the ceiling collapsing on Cal??? Anyway, looks like Season 6 will go out w/bang, if nothing else. I'm not getting my hopes up for quality, though, b/c that doesn't seem to be "in style" this season.