Okay episode IMO, it wasn't as good as I was hoping. I don't know if it was just because I was tired or what, but the episode seemed REALLY slow paced.
The story was good, obviously based off the Penn State Scandal. The ending was cliche but good, justice was truly served IMO.
Ryan and Walter sent in to get the dog.

I'm pretty sure they wouldn't send in CSIs to handle a rabid dog...
Nice use of all the characters. Could have used a little more Horatio action though.

I'm surprised Adam didn't throw in an Eric/Calleigh scene, I don't think they had even one scene together...did they? *shrugs* Well the next 2 episodes should be featuring a lot of them.
Where's Austin's sister? Didn't he have a sister?! BTW Austin would be much cuter if he was like 2 years younger, IMO.
I would give this episode a B, but since it's Adam's episode I'll give it an A.